Your own transformation is a gift to the world!

Making the world a better place is a given if... we all make ourselves better humans... Lao Tzu does such a beautiful job describing the impact we have on the world around us when we each make it our focus to do our own inner work first. I really want you to know that your … Continue reading Your own transformation is a gift to the world!

Learn to process life as it happens.

Are you missing out on the beauty of today by wishing for tomorrow's happiness? We all get caught up in the whirlwind of life, constantly chasing the next big thing, the next milestone. It sometimes amazes me the extent to which we can be absent from our own lives, because we’re always wishing to be … Continue reading Learn to process life as it happens.

You can choose between being trapped by the way your mind has become programmed, or transcending it.

You are beautifully designed in all perfection. Everything you think and feel is exactly as it should be for the life experiences you have had. Your body and mind is responding to your environment in the way it was designed to, by figuring out a way to cope, a way to survive. However, your past … Continue reading You can choose between being trapped by the way your mind has become programmed, or transcending it.

The most decisive event in your life is when you discover you are not your thoughts or emotions.

A message from today's meditation: I think it's helpful to share quite a long piece from Eckhart Tolle in today's email. Well, I guess it’s not that long really, it’s still less than a 5 min read, and extremely helpful. But just before I post that in here, this is what I'd like you to … Continue reading The most decisive event in your life is when you discover you are not your thoughts or emotions.

When the tea becomes real, you become real…

We are often on some kind of autopilot, going through the motions in our work, in our relationships, being more connected to the fears and insecurities in our minds than to the actual actions we're busy taking.  Thich Nhat Hanh invites us to switch off the autopilot, as he gently nudges us towards presence. "First, … Continue reading When the tea becomes real, you become real…

If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.

Hello Fearless Souls, every so often I get asked this question... How to let go?  This is a great question, because letting go sounds a lot like ignoring... pretending it doesn't exist, or that it didn't happen. Is this what we need to do in order to let go? Pretend that it doesn’t exist? Or … Continue reading If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.

Take a bite out of life.

“Coming to our senses” assists in grounding ourselves in the full physical experience of this moment. It draws our thinking away from chasing phantom ideas, into the fully immersed experience of what this moment is making available. I'd like to share with you the beautifully articulated words of Laura Meyer, describing what bringing our attention … Continue reading Take a bite out of life.

Unplug from the Matrix: How Loving Yourself Hacks Your Reality

A message from today's meditation: Remember that scene in The Matrix where Neo realizes he's stuck in a simulation, but he can bend it to his will? Turns out, we all have that power. The secret? It's not some fancy coding, it's the most revolutionary self-upgrade possible: learning to love yourself. Rumi, the poet who … Continue reading Unplug from the Matrix: How Loving Yourself Hacks Your Reality

The challenge is to silence the mind.

Deep within us lies a wisdom, a soul that inherently knows how to restore balance and wholeness. Yet, despite this inner knowing, we often find ourselves stuck, unable to access this healing power. Why? Because our minds, endlessly busy and preoccupied, act as the gatekeeper. The real challenge isn’t discovering how to heal but learning … Continue reading The challenge is to silence the mind.

I’m simply saying that there is a way to be sane.

Hello and welcome to a Saturday meditation.  We’re starting with a piece by Osho in which he very eloquently describes the process of gaining freedom from thought. “I'm simply saying that there is a way to be sane. I'm saying that you can get rid of all this insanity created by the past in you. … Continue reading I’m simply saying that there is a way to be sane.

Without self-acceptance, we’re never truly safe to be honest with ourselves.

A trap we easily fall into when we’re trying to do better, to grow, to heal, is reaching for an "ideal" way of being or feeling, as a kind of proof of our progress. It's easy to be disappointed by "negative" thoughts and feelings and read them as a step backwards in our attempt to … Continue reading Without self-acceptance, we’re never truly safe to be honest with ourselves.

Your inner-wisdom doesn’t jump to conclusions, but waits to see the bigger picture before making decisions.

We've all had those moments when fear seems to consume us. Our minds race, painting vivid pictures of worst-case scenarios. It can feel as if we're trapped in a whirlwind of anxiety, unable to see beyond the storm. Yet, amidst this chaos, a quieter voice whispers, urging us to pause and reflect. "Sometimes I wake … Continue reading Your inner-wisdom doesn’t jump to conclusions, but waits to see the bigger picture before making decisions.

What to do when your thoughts are hijacked by all that’s “wrong” in your life…

Oprah's message for us today is about being more conscious of where we place our attention, because what we pay attention to is what we spend our energy on. And the things that we constantly feed our energy to, are the things that we will continue to create more of. So it stands to reason … Continue reading What to do when your thoughts are hijacked by all that’s “wrong” in your life…

You can’t only start to grow roots once you see storm clouds gather on the horizon…

The Dalai Lama's message for today's meditation is that the biggest cause of our unhappiness is our own mind, "the mind is the only trouble maker", he says: "Everyone wants a happy life without difficulties or suffering. But we create many of the problems we face. No one intentionally creates problems, but we tend to … Continue reading You can’t only start to grow roots once you see storm clouds gather on the horizon…

Just watch this moment, without trying to change it at all.

A message from today's meditation: In our fast-paced, noise-filled world, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of thoughts, worries, and distractions. We often find ourselves rushing from one task to the next, our minds racing ahead, and our bodies feeling stressed and fatigued. Yet, within these fleeting moments there is a path … Continue reading Just watch this moment, without trying to change it at all.

I will CHOOSE where to pour my water.

I want to start today’s message with this thought -  “Whatever you water will grow…” … take a moment to let the thought marinade in your mind for a bit, and then we’ll get back to this thought in a moment. In the meantime, let’s get into Carl Jung’s message for us today. "We don't … Continue reading I will CHOOSE where to pour my water.

The in-between spaces.

Today's thought from Iyanla Vanzant is my very favourite piece of her wisdom. Her message is about being in that space where I know that the old doesn’t serve me any longer, but I don’t quite have the clarity of what the next steps look like… "You must be ready in mind, in body, and … Continue reading The in-between spaces.

The part of you that brings safety even in the middle of the loudest storm.

Matt Kahn’s book, “Everything is Here to Help You” is an inspirational and helpful guide through the process of shifting out of the Ego’s perspective and into the Soul’s point of view. It should come as no surprise that the daily experiences we encounter are looked upon differently by our Ego and our Soul, so … Continue reading The part of you that brings safety even in the middle of the loudest storm.

Whenever you’re trying to avoid the experience you’re having, you are aligning with fear.

Every day we encounter a variety of experiences. Some experiences which we consciously choose to have, and many more experiences that come our way regardless of whether or not we have chosen them. In those moments of unwanted experiences, what guides your actions? When life places in front of you something that you do not … Continue reading Whenever you’re trying to avoid the experience you’re having, you are aligning with fear.

Don’t jump into reaction mode at the first appearance of negative energy.

The world around us is a swirling vortex of events, most of which are completely beyond our control. Yet we often find ourselves desperately trying to shape the world to our liking, it’s almost as if we think that we can grasp at the reins of a dozen wild horses and make them listen to … Continue reading Don’t jump into reaction mode at the first appearance of negative energy.

Don’t go to war with ego, it’ll always fight back and you’ll never have peace.

Having the ability to be the observer is a kind of superpower.  When you feel something like anger wake up within you, are you already acting from anger or do you observe how anger wakes up in your body, and do you become aware of how it wants you to act? Because when you’re looking … Continue reading Don’t go to war with ego, it’ll always fight back and you’ll never have peace.

Since before you were born, your sub-conscious has been recording everything you have ever experienced.

A part of our psyche is naturally deeply invested in the survival of this human body. It could be called 'Small-self', 'Ego', or perhaps our ‘scared parts'. Since before you were born, your sub-conscious has been recording all of the details of everything you have ever experienced. And more importantly, it’s been keeping track of … Continue reading Since before you were born, your sub-conscious has been recording everything you have ever experienced.

When you drop from your head into your heart, even your brainwaves follow.

Today's message from Hermann Hesse speaks of how past, future and the whole concept of time, all come together in this present moment.  Our mind struggles with this though. Our analytical mind's habit is to pull everything apart into separate components and become frazzled as we bounce around between our attachment to the past and … Continue reading When you drop from your head into your heart, even your brainwaves follow.

Select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day.

Your mind will forever produce a constant stream of thinking / feeling content like the feed on your Facebook account. Do you double click on everything in your feed? Or do you become better at knowing what serves you and what doesn't? "You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way … Continue reading Select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day.

Who is the captain of your ship?

What is the relationship between your mind and your soul?  Today’s meditation explores this dynamic… "Feelings, by themselves, do not create problems. It is rather the tendency to interpret and analyze them that creates our problems. When out of habit you believe those interpretations, it is there that the suffering begins." - Mooji Are you … Continue reading Who is the captain of your ship?

There was a time when your “coping mechanism” might have literally kept you alive, and that needs to be honoured, not judged.

We often speak about "coping mechanisms" in a negative way because the truth is, these can turn into deeply ingrained habits, "bad habits" that hold us back and keep us from growing. And the next term that often follows coping mechanism is "self-sabotage", and I vehemently rebel against this description! I object! There is nothing … Continue reading There was a time when your “coping mechanism” might have literally kept you alive, and that needs to be honoured, not judged.