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(read more testimonials by following this link: https://onemindonline.com/testimonial/)

“Good morning Pierre today I woke up a year older and my heart and body are filled with gratitude and blessings. The first time ever my b-day “feels” light and beautiful, my entire body is so light and I sat in meditation, embracing my small self, who feels fearless today, my adult small self, is love this morning and during the meditation, we embraced a wonderful feeling of love. I know I am free and I am grateful for having met you on this journey of creating  a fearless life. Thank you! I am so grateful I was able to do the very difficult work, with you holding that space and giving me the tools, to create a life, that today, looks and feels amazing!” – Patricia

“I’m growing, letting go, feeling my emotions and moving forward with good intentions. You are helping and you deserve to know that. I love more every day and that includes myself. Appreciate you” – Jack

“I can still feel the energy in my hands from the energy we shared in the heart space…. incredible!” – Laura

“Events are where like-minded people connect and form bonds that last a lifetime!” – pierre

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