This is how you consistently do your best!

For this week ahead my biggest wish for you is: That you simply do your best! "Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." - Oprah Winfrey "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr. "Just do the best you … Continue reading This is how you consistently do your best!

Your inner GPS guiding you to true north.

Sunday morning meditations are reserved for silence. I love the idea of us getting together and being able to just slip into silence together. And on a Sunday morning I like to get into our teacher of the week's views on silence, and Oprah doesn't disappoint: "Clarity comes from stillness. I promise you'll feel better … Continue reading Your inner GPS guiding you to true north.

What to do when your thoughts are hijacked by all that’s “wrong” in your life…

Oprah's message for us today is about being more conscious of where we place our attention, because what we pay attention to is what we spend our energy on. And the things that we constantly feed our energy to, are the things that we will continue to create more of. So it stands to reason … Continue reading What to do when your thoughts are hijacked by all that’s “wrong” in your life…

We have to do this together! Because we’re not going to build a better world while we leave anyone behind.

On Fridays we celebrate our ONE-ness!  This world needs every one of us to do our healing so that we can show up in wholeness and contribute to the whole.  We have to do this together! Because we're not going to build a better world while we leave anyone behind. "I choose to rise up … Continue reading We have to do this together! Because we’re not going to build a better world while we leave anyone behind.

Surrender… not just what you need to let go of, but also to what needs to get done.

Surrender... it can be the work of  a lifetime to really understand, because it's not just about surrendering to what we need to let go of but also surrendering to what needs to get done. When to BE and when to DO... how do we learn the difference? Surrender is what leads us to this … Continue reading Surrender… not just what you need to let go of, but also to what needs to get done.

Your harsh inner-judge is preventing you from growing.

Today's meditation is called "The Observer", we could also call it "The Witness" and it's the practice of a skill that we all have, the ability to step outside of ourselves and look at our SELF. The better we are able to be this observer, the more able we are to look at our mistakes … Continue reading Your harsh inner-judge is preventing you from growing.

You have potential that you have not recognized yet!

"Dream the biggest dream for yourself. Hold the highest vision of life for yourself." - Oprah Winfrey "You only have to believe that you can succeed, that you can be whatever your heart desires, be willing to work for it, and you can have it." - Oprah Winfrey "You are not the product of your … Continue reading You have potential that you have not recognized yet!

Create the grand vision but most of all… just do your best!

We're jumping into our new week with Oprah!  Have the courage to create a grand vision for the beautiful life that you deserve. Believe in your greatness because after all, you were created by a power greater than yourself! This greatness lives in you and you will find that there is guidance if you slow down … Continue reading Create the grand vision but most of all… just do your best!