How do we embody this gentleness that is so saturated with relentless power?

I really love Lao Tzu's analogies involving water as a very descriptive illustration of how in the battle between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins - not through strength but by perseverance. How do we tap into this source of strength? "The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in … Continue reading How do we embody this gentleness that is so saturated with relentless power?

Discover your next move in the flow of Surrender.

Surrender always leads to clarity... I know that it may feel completely counter-intuitive, but through surrender we overcome the compulsion to be reactive, and that provides us with space. Within that space we discover clarity, and in that clarity the next steps to take become clear.  Outside of surrender all of our actions stem from … Continue reading Discover your next move in the flow of Surrender.

Surrender… not just what you need to let go of, but also to what needs to get done.

Surrender... it can be the work of  a lifetime to really understand, because it's not just about surrendering to what we need to let go of but also surrendering to what needs to get done. When to BE and when to DO... how do we learn the difference? Surrender is what leads us to this … Continue reading Surrender… not just what you need to let go of, but also to what needs to get done.

When you swim, you don’t grab a hold of the water…

Taking action! Getting things done! But how do I take action wisely? How do I spend my energy on only the things that make me more effective without spending one drop on wasted action? How do I see with clarity what is the next step to take? Surrender... Surrender is not giving up, but it … Continue reading When you swim, you don’t grab a hold of the water…

Are you frying your wiring?

"The amount of stress in your life is determined by how much energy you expend resisting your life." - Gary Zukav In spiritual teachings "resistance" is a regular topic, and to understand the effects of what resistance creates within our bodies, it may be helpful to look at what resistance means in physics. In an … Continue reading Are you frying your wiring?

Within weeks the tumors were all gone.

Anita Moorjani’s spiritual transformation starts while she’s looking at her dying body on a hospital bed, while doctors are battling with her organs that are shutting down one after the other. She realises that she’s never really loved this human who she see’s lying on the hospital bed and that in her lack of compassion … Continue reading Within weeks the tumors were all gone.

In this space of surrender the water is calm and therefore clear.

The human condition so often finds itself gripping on tightly to what it perceives as a sense of safety, while violently resisting the things that scare it. Stretched thin - between holding on to what is fleeting, and resisting what is inevitable - leaves us with not much energy left to take action where we … Continue reading In this space of surrender the water is calm and therefore clear.

You cannot soar while you’re carrying the weight of your resistance to being human.

Our own resistance to being human has always intrigued me. It's clear that humans are amazing beings who have created "magic" in our world but it seems we only have acceptance for the "beautiful" side of being human while completely rejecting the "messy" parts. I think it might be because our parents - in their … Continue reading You cannot soar while you’re carrying the weight of your resistance to being human.

When you surrender, you open yourself to the results that are possible from cooperation.

A message from today's meditation: Today's theme is surrender. What exactly IS surrender when it's not just a pretty word that makes me sound all spiritual? How do we become really practical about the benefits of surrender? It's easy to resist the idea of surrender, because it feels like "If I surrender I'll be allowing … Continue reading When you surrender, you open yourself to the results that are possible from cooperation.

How to find clarity before taking action.

A message from today's meditation: Finding surrender. I know that this can be a difficult concept to grasp. Surrender 'sounds' like giving up, like it's the end of the road, but please give it a try - surrender is really a new beginning. Surrender leads to clarity. It leads to seeing, and when we actually … Continue reading How to find clarity before taking action.