Ultimately science and spirituality have to produce the same answers.

I love the space where spirituality and science meet and I love seeing how more and more, it seems that they both speak the same language. After all... both science and spirituality is an attempt at describing the truth, so ultimately they have to produce the same answers. "You need to understand both science and … Continue reading Ultimately science and spirituality have to produce the same answers.

True wisdom holds no judgment.

Have you ever felt a nagging feeling about a decision, only to ignore it and later regret it? Or perhaps you've experienced a sudden flash of inspiration that led you down a path of success. These are all whispers from your inner wisdom, a powerful source of guidance often drowned out by the daily cacophony … Continue reading True wisdom holds no judgment.

You can spend it wisely, or you can spend it foolishly.

“You can't save time, you can only spend it. But you can spend it wisely or foolishly.” - The Tao of Pooh Pooh Bear’s reminder for us today is that in every moment we are spending the precious resource called time. We mostly spend it unconsciously, not weighing up whether we’re spending it wisely or … Continue reading You can spend it wisely, or you can spend it foolishly.

It’s dark because you’re trying too hard.

It's Monday, a fresh start to the week! We all dive in, energized and eager to make the best of our time.  Today’s meditation challenges the notion that success hinges on relentless effort - a constant state of pushing and brute-force striving - and asks us to stop for a moment and reflect on the … Continue reading It’s dark because you’re trying too hard.

You were born with wings… why crawl?

Have you ever felt a flicker of something extraordinary within you, a tiny spark waiting to ignite? Perhaps it's a dream you haven't dared to chase, a talent yearning to be explored, or a deep well of potential untapped. The 13th-century poet Rumi captures this beautifully: "There is a candle in your heart, ready to … Continue reading You were born with wings… why crawl?

Seek the wearer, not the cloak.

In today’s message, Rumi paints a vivid picture of our human experience: a soul inhabiting a physical form, much like how a person wears a garment over their “self”. We spend a significant portion of our lives fixated on what we can see from the outside, rarely are we reminded of the eternal being within. … Continue reading Seek the wearer, not the cloak.

Escaping the prison that is the ego.

Our minds are powerful tools, but sometimes they become our own worst enemy. A constant stream of thoughts, worries, and anxieties can trap us in a state of mental unrest. One of the simplest ways to practice mindfulness and calm your mind, is to connect with the physical senses of your body. Our senses, often … Continue reading Escaping the prison that is the ego.

Whatever holds my attention IS my life.

The topic of today’s meditation is focus. Focus is the ability to control where our attention goes, and if we have to summarize our own lives in one short sentence then it might be most accurate to say that, “the life that I live is nothing more than that which captures my attention.”  “Whatever holds … Continue reading Whatever holds my attention IS my life.

The science of meditation – change your brain by thinking.

Imagine being able to consciously control your well-being, not just through external actions, but by harnessing the incredible power of your own thoughts. This isn't some far-off dream; it's the very core of meditation, a practice with a growing body of scientific evidence supporting its transformative potential. Our bodies are truly awe-inspiring machines. Through meditation, … Continue reading The science of meditation – change your brain by thinking.

Seeing from a higher dimension.

"The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness." - Lao Tzu From exploring Lao Tzu's work, there is always more simplicity in his message than meets the eye. What could Lau Tzu possibly have meant by a "higher dimension of consciousness"? Is he asking us to ascend to … Continue reading Seeing from a higher dimension.

What miracles are you losing out on?

Do you ever dismiss miracles as fantastical occurrences reserved for saints or superheroes? You're not alone, there are many and varied opinions on the theme of miracles.  Miracles are most often understood as violations of the natural world, but our teacher for this week - Charles Eisenstein - brings a twist to this understanding that … Continue reading What miracles are you losing out on?

Don’t observe the revolution, BE the revolution!

Have you ever felt the warmth of the sun on your skin after a long, cold night? That's the kind of energy Jaiya John urges us to bring to the world. In today's message, he urges us to remember who we are: luminous beings radiating our own unique light. John's message is a call to … Continue reading Don’t observe the revolution, BE the revolution!

All the world’s wonder is a song. The notes and the singer are YOU!

Being human, we have an ever changing flow in our emotional landscape. The thoughts we think and the emotions we feel flow in and out very much like clouds in the sky. Yet, often we view our emotions with apprehension, fearing the discomfort they might bring.  Jaiya John reminds us today that by acknowledging and … Continue reading All the world’s wonder is a song. The notes and the singer are YOU!

All are welcome here, none will be left behind.

Our teacher this week is Jaiya John, and it always amazes me how I can fall deeply in love with his work again and again after I've been away from it for a while. "Your life is three truths: How you treat others. How you treat yourself. And how you allow yourself to be treated." … Continue reading All are welcome here, none will be left behind.

Ask yourself this week, “What am I watering?”

The message for this week is in water, and it comes from the pen of Jaiya John: Be deliberate about where you pour your water this week... "Water will show you what freedom is. Try to destroy it and it changes form but retains its essence. Swallow it and you become it. Bottle it and … Continue reading Ask yourself this week, “What am I watering?”

Do you need to change your personality?

Do you need to change your personality? This might feel like a harsh question, almost an accusation of something being wrong with who you are. But don't dismiss it too quickly. Join me on this thought journey to see if it resonates with you: "The freedom the Buddha envisioned does not come from jettisoning imprisoning … Continue reading Do you need to change your personality?

I am the eternal constant that can hold it all, without being victim to any of it.

Take a moment to create in your mind the image of a majestic mountain towering over the landscape around it. See it standing resolute against the ever-changing elements. This mountain, battered yet unyielding, represents an essential truth about ourselves: we possess an eternal constant within, capable of holding all of life's experiences without becoming a … Continue reading I am the eternal constant that can hold it all, without being victim to any of it.

Practice is the key that unlocks the chest.

Imagine a chest overflowing with the priceless gems of knowledge, and wisdom. It sits within you, ready to be opened, yet remains locked and inaccessible. The key to this treasure lies not in external force, but in the gentle, consistent practice of self-discovery. This is the essence of meditation, a journey of becoming intimately familiar … Continue reading Practice is the key that unlocks the chest.

How do we embody this gentleness that is so saturated with relentless power?

I really love Lao Tzu's analogies involving water as a very descriptive illustration of how in the battle between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins - not through strength but by perseverance. How do we tap into this source of strength? "The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in … Continue reading How do we embody this gentleness that is so saturated with relentless power?

Do you have a growth mindset, or a fixed mindset?

The ways in which you can create and express yourself are limitless, and whether or not you manifest your limitless nature, largely comes down to the view you have of yourself. The exercise in today's meditation compares how you see yourself to how you look at a flower. Are you able to look at yourself … Continue reading Do you have a growth mindset, or a fixed mindset?

Trust the wholeness that is already there.

Today's journey starts with a quote from the Bhagavad Gita: "Through meditation, the higher self is experienced." That higher-self, is the part of us that is deeply connected to spirit, soul, source... or whatever other label you might put on it. For many of us, our "higher-self" is an aspect that we have very little … Continue reading Trust the wholeness that is already there.

Surrender… not just what you need to let go of, but also to what needs to get done.

Surrender... it can be the work of  a lifetime to really understand, because it's not just about surrendering to what we need to let go of but also surrendering to what needs to get done. When to BE and when to DO... how do we learn the difference? Surrender is what leads us to this … Continue reading Surrender… not just what you need to let go of, but also to what needs to get done.

Create the grand vision but most of all… just do your best!

We're jumping into our new week with Oprah!  Have the courage to create a grand vision for the beautiful life that you deserve. Believe in your greatness because after all, you were created by a power greater than yourself! This greatness lives in you and you will find that there is guidance if you slow down … Continue reading Create the grand vision but most of all… just do your best!

We DO need adversity in order to grow.

What's been known forever is that we need adversity in order to grow. When you go to gym and expose your muscles to doing what they haven't done before, then they're forced into making adaptations and become stronger. All of our growth is like this. "Through difficult experiences, life sometimes becomes more meaningful." - Dalai … Continue reading We DO need adversity in order to grow.

It’s the process of paying attention, that changes the brain significantly.

Today's journey is SUPER practical, and actually really simple.  How good is your brain at concentrating? At keeping focus? And is this an ability that you can develop? "The real meditation practice is how we live our lives from moment to moment to moment." - Jon Kabat-Zinn This doesn't mean that we shouldn't make ourselves … Continue reading It’s the process of paying attention, that changes the brain significantly.

Become available to what this moment makes available to you.

On being present... Some of Jon Kabat-Zinn's most well known work is on the theme of being present, as illustrated by the very fitting title of one of his books, "Wherever you go, there you are." Today's meditation journey approaches being present from two perspectives: What do we gain from being present with our outer … Continue reading Become available to what this moment makes available to you.

Nirvana is exactly where you are, provided you don’t object to it.

Right here, right where you are right now you hold the power... Right now is the only place where you can spend your energy productively, not in some future moment. If your happiness is always around some distant corner in the future, guess what... you're never going to catch up to it!  If you don't … Continue reading Nirvana is exactly where you are, provided you don’t object to it.

The wisdom of your soul, is the essence of who you truly are.

There is wisdom within you. We are never disconnected from the eternal presence of our soul, but it sure can feel that way. It is the loud volume of our fears that drowns out the whisper of wisdom in our soul. When we heal what has been hurt within us our fears become less loud, … Continue reading The wisdom of your soul, is the essence of who you truly are.

The in-between spaces.

Today's thought from Iyanla Vanzant is my very favourite piece of her wisdom. Her message is about being in that space where I know that the old doesn’t serve me any longer, but I don’t quite have the clarity of what the next steps look like… "You must be ready in mind, in body, and … Continue reading The in-between spaces.