… and you’re f#@king AWESOME!

Since waking up this morning, the word/s “authentic/authenticity” have been swirling around in my head, so even though today’s meditation is “Sharing Love” I decided to make the intro - Authenticity… We tend to think of being authentic as something we project out to the world, the courage to defy expectations and proudly display our … Continue reading … and you’re f#@king AWESOME!

When love is no longer something that you “need”, but something that you share.

“How do you spell love?” Asked Piglet “You don't spell it, you feel it.” Answered Pooh Ask a hundred people to describe what love is, and you’re likely to get a hundred different answers.  It can be a complicated topic because for most of us, our history with love is well… complicated… We first learn … Continue reading When love is no longer something that you “need”, but something that you share.

Feel yourself breathing with all living brothers and sisters.

A beautiful image that emerges from today's meditation: feeling ourselves breathing in unison with "all living brothers and sisters." This powerful sense of connection serves as a potent reminder that love is not just an emotion we experience with romantic partners; it's the very essence of our existence, the thread that binds us to all … Continue reading Feel yourself breathing with all living brothers and sisters.

You are creating wholeness within yourself.

Hello! It’s Friday, and on a Friday the theme of our meditation is always love, or we could also say, the heart. And it turns out that Rumi has a lot to say about the heart. Rumi invites us to lean into the whispers of our heart, not just the pleasant chirps of happiness but … Continue reading You are creating wholeness within yourself.

When the wisdom of the heart replaces the chatter of the mind.

As we navigate the complexities of life, it's easy to get caught up in the constant chatter of our minds. But what if we were to become deliberate about not only living in our heads, and embrace the practice of dropping into our hearts as often as we can?  Today's meditation reminds us of the … Continue reading When the wisdom of the heart replaces the chatter of the mind.

What do you create when there is nothing that you need?

What do you create when there's nothing you need? This question serves as a powerful prompt for self-reflection. It delves into the heart of what true love is and how it transforms us from fearful beings clinging to relationships, to expansive creators brimming with the desire to give. Do you really understand what love is? … Continue reading What do you create when there is nothing that you need?

There is only one place where this work can be done… coming face to face with the “worst” parts of you, until you see them in a different light.

Love. It's a word tossed around so easily, yet its true essence often remains elusive. We crave it, we seek it from others, and sometimes feel a hollowness within us where it should reside.  Love as an external validation that someone else provides often feels fleeting, dependent on others. But cultivating love as a state … Continue reading There is only one place where this work can be done… coming face to face with the “worst” parts of you, until you see them in a different light.

Whoever taught you that you’re not lovable just as you are was never right, and being who you are was never wrong.

Love.  It's a word whispered in fairytales, a yearning etched in our hearts. Yet, for many of us, truly receiving love can feel like a foreign concept. We shower love on others freely, but when it comes to letting it wash over us, a strange resistance sets in. Why is this? Why do we struggle … Continue reading Whoever taught you that you’re not lovable just as you are was never right, and being who you are was never wrong.

It’s not healing that makes you whole… It’s becoming whole that makes you heal.

We all carry wounds, big or small, that leave their mark on our hearts and minds. The path to healing often feels like a long and arduous journey, filled with the hope of someday becoming whole again. But what if the answer to wholeness lies not in waiting for some miraculous healing to happen, but … Continue reading It’s not healing that makes you whole… It’s becoming whole that makes you heal.

I am human only because you are human too.

There's a profound truth nestled within the simple phrase, "I am human only because you are human too."  This sentiment is the foundation of today’s meditation. There is a felt connection we can experience with the humans in our circle when we let go of the sense of safety we think we gain from our … Continue reading I am human only because you are human too.

There’s an “IS”-ness about the way that love operates that we can learn to trust and surrender to.

On this Friday of love, here's Jaiya John's take on the subject: "Your own love heals you." - Jaiya John "She wrote a Love letter to herself every day. That's how she got through it." - Jaiya John Learning how to really love YOU causes you to live in a different state, in a different … Continue reading There’s an “IS”-ness about the way that love operates that we can learn to trust and surrender to.

Why…? Because we’d love to live in a world where we can let our guard down and love the humans around us.

Today's message from Lao Tzu is about how hard we try to live really good lives, create good societies, and teach our kids good values. We have a sense of the principles we need to rely, insist and agree on in order to foster cooperation not only in our close relationships, but at scale. Some … Continue reading Why…? Because we’d love to live in a world where we can let our guard down and love the humans around us.

Experience that love is your natural state!

Like all biological creatures, a big part of what keeps us alive are the patterns created in our subconscious and embedded in our bodies, ready to fire in an instant to steer us toward safety and away from danger. Having these patterns is what makes us similar to our animal friends, but it is our … Continue reading Experience that love is your natural state!

What I have found in SELF, I am finding EVERYWHERE!

Eckhart Tolle speaks about love in a very simple way, cutting right through the cultural baggage that we have collected around the word love throughout human history. He demonstrates that we tend to "feel" love from either one of these two places - Ego or Soul. “To the ego, loving and wanting are the same, … Continue reading What I have found in SELF, I am finding EVERYWHERE!

To love without knowing how to love, wounds those we are trying to love.

Thich Nhat Hanh touched millions of lives in the time that he spent on Earth. His wisdom was profound but always expressed in very simple words, the practical application immediately clear.  His teachings on love were no different, every word speaks to that part of you that already knows this: "If you love someone, you … Continue reading To love without knowing how to love, wounds those we are trying to love.

You feel good not because the world is right, but your world is right because you feel good.

I LOVE this meditation and I believe that our intention of opening our hearts to one another and sharing that love across space and time has a real world physical effect. I can FEEL the energy of your love and I feel certain that you can feel mine too. So today's message is about intention, … Continue reading You feel good not because the world is right, but your world is right because you feel good.

When you approach the edge of your own vulnerability, do you shrink? 

I LOVE this meditation so much! It always leaves me with my heart feeling like it's too big for my chest. The connection is very real, even if we're sitting in our own homes scattered around the world, I swear that I can feel you! Thank you for sharing this space with us. "Love really … Continue reading When you approach the edge of your own vulnerability, do you shrink? 

Proof that love is the closest thing we have to magic!

A message from today's meditation: I want to remind you of the powerful force of change in the world, that is love... You're not a bucket waiting to be filled, you're a radiant fountain, overflowing with love. Not just for others, but for every glorious, messy, magnificent piece of you. That's the transformative magic of … Continue reading Proof that love is the closest thing we have to magic!

The secret of attraction is to love yourself.

A message from today's meditation: At the apex of love, is SELF love... Love and self-love are not exactly different kinds of love, they are intertwined, have the same source and one is an extension of the other. I can only love others to the extent that I have learned to love myself. “It’s all … Continue reading The secret of attraction is to love yourself.

Loving yourself despite all your old choices, always leads to better decision making.

A message from today's meditation: In search of some beautiful words to share for this morning's meditation, I came across this beautiful quote on self acceptance - "There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life." - Tara Brach And seeing that the theme for Friday meditation … Continue reading Loving yourself despite all your old choices, always leads to better decision making.

Allow yourself to be loved just as you are!

Love, LOVES to love!  It's Friday! The day of love and today's meditation tries to share as much love as it can. "There is nothing more truly artistic, than to love people." - Vincent van Gogh "A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be … Continue reading Allow yourself to be loved just as you are!

When I am centered on love, I don’t need to be better than you.

The true change-makers are those who will show up boldly for love, while refusing to participate in anything that doesn't come from love.   "When I am centered on love I don’t need to be better than you. I don’t need you to like me. I don’t need to be rich. I don’t even need to … Continue reading When I am centered on love, I don’t need to be better than you.

We have to do this together! Because we’re not going to build a better world while we leave anyone behind.

On Fridays we celebrate our ONE-ness!  This world needs every one of us to do our healing so that we can show up in wholeness and contribute to the whole.  We have to do this together! Because we're not going to build a better world while we leave anyone behind. "I choose to rise up … Continue reading We have to do this together! Because we’re not going to build a better world while we leave anyone behind.

You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.

"The problems we face today, violent conflicts, destruction of nature, poverty, hunger, and so on, are human-created problems which can be resolved through human effort, understanding and the development of a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood. We need to cultivate a universal responsibility for one another and the planet we share." - Dalai Lama It's … Continue reading You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.

Practice sharing the fullness of your being.

I want you to really hear this... I want you to remember this... You are worthy! You are deserving! You are whole! And... You are not separate from any of this, you are a part of this universe, the universe is inside you, you ARE the universe!  "Perhaps we just need little reminders from time … Continue reading Practice sharing the fullness of your being.

Double down on love in a world that insists on dividing people into “us vs them”.

A message from today's meditation: Some thoughts by Carl Jung on love, which I’ll summarise in one sentence - Describing what love is, is an almost impossible task but this is what we know for sure: there is no love without self-love, and it is likely to take some courage to double down on love … Continue reading Double down on love in a world that insists on dividing people into “us vs them”.

You ARE consciousness itself, manifested in form.

Either everything is of God, or nothing is of God. It can't be true that only certain things were made by God and not others, and this means that YOU... you are a part of God... and this makes you worthy. You are worthy and deserving just because you breathe, and your heart beats. We … Continue reading You ARE consciousness itself, manifested in form.