Every path is a journey to God.

Hello heart whisperers. For today's silent meditation I couldn't find any content from Jeff Brown that particularly speaks to silence or meditation, so I thought I'd share some of his work that most resonated with me this week. I often get asked some variation of this question, “why do I keep attracting the ‘wrong’ kind … Continue reading Every path is a journey to God.

There was a time where your “coping mechanism” might have literally kept you alive and that needs to be honoured, not judged.

A message from today's meditation: We often speak about "coping mechanisms" in a negative way, because these can turn into deeply ingrained habits, "bad habits" that hold us back and keep us from growing. The next term that often follows coping mechanism is "self-sabotage", and I vehemently rebel against this description! I object! There is … Continue reading There was a time where your “coping mechanism” might have literally kept you alive and that needs to be honoured, not judged.

How does a single human heart hold SO much love? It  doesn’t – It spills over, and that’s the point!

This is the world I see! “There was no question in my mind. This state of complete and utter love is our collective birthright, the state we are born to inhabit, the way of being that is eagerly awaiting humanity at the end of a long, perilous journey. We either walk toward love as a … Continue reading How does a single human heart hold SO much love? It  doesn’t – It spills over, and that’s the point!

The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten that you are divine.

A message from today's meditation: "There are two forms of courage in this world. One demands that we jump into action with our armour on. The other demands that we strip ourselves bare-naked and surrender. Bravery is a curious thing." - Jeff Brown They are clearly both courageous acts, but how do we know which … Continue reading The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten that you are divine.

We just have to learn how to get turned on by humanness.

A message from today's meditation: REALNESS - being real, really lights me up! I don't think that I was always like this, but something changed for me at some point in my own journey when I came to a deeper understanding of what it means to be human. It's messy! We were conceived in a … Continue reading We just have to learn how to get turned on by humanness.

When we are un-centred, we become easy targets.

"The glorification of busy will destroy us. Without space for healing, without time for reflection, without an opportunity to surrender, we risk a complete disconnect from the authentic self. We burn out on the fuels of willfulness, and eventually cannot find our way back to centre. And when we lose contact with our core, we … Continue reading When we are un-centred, we become easy targets.