Jeff Foster collection

Jeff Foster was born in 1980 in London, England.[1] He studied Astrophysics at Cambridge University.[1] At the time he was overwhelmed by feelings of despair and loneliness,[2] which eventually led to physical illness and a personal breakdown soon after graduation. He was convinced he was going to die.[1] Foster returned to live with his parents, reading and studying for … Continue reading Jeff Foster collection

A surrender to dealing with reality just as it is.

... silent.. listen... I love that these two words consist of exactly the same letters. I feel that perhaps there is a message for us there. It can be difficult to find silence because we are not taught this. But even when we are trying to embrace silence, there is often a restlessness inside … Continue reading A surrender to dealing with reality just as it is.

Find the LIFE inside of you right now! Life is not something that’s waiting to happen.

"Why does it often take extreme life situations to bring back an awareness of the magic and mystery of life? Why do we often wait until we're about to die before discovering a deep gratitude for life as it is? Why do we exhaust ourselves seeking love, acceptance, fame. success, or spiritual enlightenment in the … Continue reading Find the LIFE inside of you right now! Life is not something that’s waiting to happen.

A celebration of weird!

Fridays are a celebration of LOVE!  And today is specifically a celebration of YOU… “A CELEBRATION OF WEIRD. Don’t become a spiritual zombie, devoid of passion and deep human feeling. Let spirituality become a celebration of your uniqueness rather than a repression of it. Never lose your quirkiness, your strangeness, your weirdness – your unique … Continue reading A celebration of weird!

This brings an end to the inner war. This creates true inner freedom.

“What you really long for is a deep intimacy with your own experience – the deepest acceptance of every thought, every sensation, every feeling. And that cannot come from outside of yourself." - Jeff Foster A deep intimacy with your own experience... having acceptance for every thought and every feeling... in different words it can … Continue reading This brings an end to the inner war. This creates true inner freedom.

Help me see where to surrender, and show me where to take action.

 A message from today's meditation: LET YOURSELF RESTIf you're exhausted, rest.If you don't feel like starting a new project, don't.If you don't feel the urge to make something new, just rest in the beauty of the old, the familiar, the known.If you don't feel like talking, stay silent.If you're fed up with the news, turn … Continue reading Help me see where to surrender, and show me where to take action.

Don’t mistake the weather of your mind, for the sky of your BEING.

A message from today's meditation: "Don't mistake the weather of your mind, for the sky of your BEING." - Jeff Foster The original meaning of the word meditation is, "to become familiar with," and it's understandable that grasping exactly what this means can be out of reach for new meditators. I'll try and break it … Continue reading Don’t mistake the weather of your mind, for the sky of your BEING.

No energy wasted this week!

We're stepping into this week with Jeff Foster as our teacher and really, you would be doing yourself a favour if you did a Google search of "Jeff Foster quotes", his work is amazing. If you've meditated much with us before, you'll know that I like to start the week by setting intention, by becoming … Continue reading No energy wasted this week!