Don't run, stay. Don't turn away, BE here. Our need to run is an old inner message that's trying to find safety, but it's going to run forever until the wiser part of you makes the firm decision that, "we will run no more". "You can't do anything as long as you are afraid of … Continue reading Don’t run, stay.
Today I decide that I am going to live out loud!
Today's meditation is "The Serenity Prayer" which I love for its wisdom of how to try and live our lives within the balancing act of when to accept and surrender, and also when to take action and create change. Our teacher for the week is Iyanla Vanzant, and here’s how she speaks to this age … Continue reading Today I decide that I am going to live out loud!
You are SO much stronger than you’ve ever known!
No-one can do for you what you can do for you. No-one can hold a space for your hurt, like you can do for you. No-one can sit with your fear, like you can do for you. No-one can make you whole, like your own acceptance does for you. Yet these tend to be the … Continue reading You are SO much stronger than you’ve ever known!
Every day is your day if you claim it.
Welcome to a brand new week in which to create at your very highest potential! Every day is a blank canvas, a new opportunity to paint your life with the colours of your dreams. As we embark on this new week, let's take to heart the inspiring words of our teacher for the week, Iyanla … Continue reading Every day is your day if you claim it.
What is holding you back?
"You don't just have the potential to create, you are always creating." - Jack Canfield We are always creating! We were created to create and therefore we create by default, but we're not always creating at our highest potential. What is it that prevents us from creating at our highest potential? What prevents us from … Continue reading What is holding you back?
What is freedom?
What is freedom? Can you find the answer in this quote? "The true task of spiritual life is not found in faraway places or unusual states of consciousness. It is here in the present. It asks of us a welcoming spirit to greet all that life presents to us with a wise, respectful, and kindly … Continue reading What is freedom?
What is the opposite of love?
What is the opposite of love? "Love and fear are the two opposite ends of the continuum, as far as I'm concerned. When we are not in love, we are in fear." - Jack Canfield LOVE and HATE is how we’ve culturally been thinking about the opposites, however a more spiritual view has been that … Continue reading What is the opposite of love?
Worry only about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.
The only impossible journey, is the one which you never start. You have to take that first step! And then you have to keep taking steps even if they're really small, in fact it is SUPER helpful to surrender to the idea that they'll all be baby steps. All journeys are constantly changing. Some days … Continue reading Worry only about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.
What would the world look like, if we were all motivated by the expression of our souls?
How closely do you live to what your soul wants to express? So many of the actions we take are motivated by fear. When we live our lives with a focus on avoiding all the potential problems we see, then we remain operating on the same level as those problems, always fighting for survival. While … Continue reading What would the world look like, if we were all motivated by the expression of our souls?
It doesn’t always help us to love the world. But it does prevent us from hating the world.
It's easy to experience the world as a hostile place. It's easy to feel a consistent disappointment in humanity when we look at all the harm caused in the world, and it reminds me of words that hit me right in the heart when I read them in Shantaram years ago: "It doesn't always help … Continue reading It doesn’t always help us to love the world. But it does prevent us from hating the world.
Decide what it is you want, and each day do something that moves you toward those goals.
Hey! It's Monday! Let's jump in together! If I had to ask you right now to reach for your "clear vision" would you be able to reach for it, pick it up and show me exactly what it is that you want from life? Let me be clearer. Is this something that you have written … Continue reading Decide what it is you want, and each day do something that moves you toward those goals.
A study on negative self-talk.
A regular practice of silence is like medicine, and the long term healing properties of meditation are becoming increasingly clear through modern science. Recently, meditation researchers have investigated how meditation impacts what is called the brain's default mode network (DMN), which includes the self-talk that constantly chatters in the background as you go about your … Continue reading A study on negative self-talk.
What will YOUR song be?
We are given this choice every day - Will I complain about what's not going my way? Or will I become conscious of, and find gratitude for, the many things that really are going my way? Whatever holds my attention, I will be shown more of. "Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. … Continue reading What will YOUR song be?
Love: You’re not meant to wait for it.
What is love? For me, the simplest description of love is to become acquainted with the essence of what you are, and then recognizing that same essence in everyone and everything around you. And the moment you do, it's instantly clear how whatever you do to another, you do to you - not just the … Continue reading Love: You’re not meant to wait for it.
Will you always let your old programme make your decisions for you?
Our sub-conscious creates patterns from past experience in order to ensure future survival. This feature of our brain is essential for our survival and it makes us functional human beings. It's your brain’s ability to create patterns that enable you to drive a car, or even to walk and hold a conversation simultaneously. Our patterns … Continue reading Will you always let your old programme make your decisions for you?
Let your inner-being be your grounding and your guidance.
The world around us is in a constant state of change, and if our "being happy" is dependent upon things always being the way we like it, then it is likely that we will never actually be happy. If happiness is something that is waiting for you around some distant corner somewhere in the future … Continue reading Let your inner-being be your grounding and your guidance.
Take repossession of your Self, and you will rise to a level of greatness that has been yours all along.
Take a look at a flower and notice just how ready you are to exclaim "perfection!" Do you look through this same lens when you look at YOU? As amazing as this flower is, it only has this ONE expression... for the flower this is it, it creates in this one (limited) way. YOU on … Continue reading Take repossession of your Self, and you will rise to a level of greatness that has been yours all along.
I believe you are great, that there’s something magnificent about you!
Our teacher for this week is Michael Beckwith, a minister, author, and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, a transdenominational community that runs local outreach programs that help feed people experiencing homelessness, serve incarcerated individuals, partner with community service organizations active in children's schools and youth homes, support the arts, and advocate for the … Continue reading I believe you are great, that there’s something magnificent about you!
Become a willing participant in your life.
Surrender is always a bit of a tricky subject to get one's head around, and most often the ideas of “surrender”, “being present” and even “meditation” elicit the image of floating around in a state of bliss, removed from life's problems. Matt Kahn does a great job describing the difference between resisting life and surrendering … Continue reading Become a willing participant in your life.
The part of you that brings safety even in the middle of the loudest storm.
Matt Kahn’s book, “Everything is Here to Help You” is an inspirational and helpful guide through the process of shifting out of the Ego’s perspective and into the Soul’s point of view. It should come as no surprise that the daily experiences we encounter are looked upon differently by our Ego and our Soul, so … Continue reading The part of you that brings safety even in the middle of the loudest storm.
What kind of energy do you want to carry around with you?
In today’s meditation journey, Matt Kahn’s views on love focuses on what it is that we gain from doubling down on the giving of love. “... He looked at me in a really surprised way, and I could tell he was thinking, "I didn't mean it as a compliment!" Of course, I knew his words … Continue reading What kind of energy do you want to carry around with you?
This kind of honesty is disarming, and invites honesty in return.
“One of the most commonly overlooked spiritual practices is daring to be completely honest with everyone you encounter. Some may say others cannot handle their honesty, but true honesty is not a strategy or a weapon of any kind. It is the willingness to be open and absolutely transparent in sharing how any moment feels … Continue reading This kind of honesty is disarming, and invites honesty in return.
A gem cannot be polished without friction.
In biology, the definition of environment is the place where organisms live or occupy. Thus, the environment includes all the elements surrounding the organism. Living organisms constantly interact with their environment and adapt to all environmental conditions in order to survive. Today’s meditation is a recognition of the fact that we all live in an … Continue reading A gem cannot be polished without friction.
How to maintain strong boundaries and also be kind.
For each of us, our responsibility is to focus on doing our own inner work, tend to our own gardens and keep our opinions out of the gardening of others. However, an integral part of our human experience is the shared connections we have to the humans around us so while we are tending to … Continue reading How to maintain strong boundaries and also be kind.
Within me, as my breath, well-being and perfection always exist.
Hello Fearless Creator! Welcome to a new week of exploring your creative potential. Our teacher for this week is Matt Kahn who is the author of a few books that you’ll probably enjoy exploring: “All for love”, “The Universe always has a plan”, “Everything is here to help you”, and “Whatever arises, love that.” The … Continue reading Within me, as my breath, well-being and perfection always exist.
Do you know yourself as light?
Light is everywhere. It gives us vision, keeps us warm, and facilitates life. Light is even responsible for developments in communications technology, the internet, and space travel. However, light is not just a physical concept. It is a central theme used throughout scripture to literally and metaphorically describe spiritual concepts. Throughout history, scientists have studied … Continue reading Do you know yourself as light?
Whenever you’re trying to avoid the experience you’re having, you are aligning with fear.
Every day we encounter a variety of experiences. Some experiences which we consciously choose to have, and many more experiences that come our way regardless of whether or not we have chosen them. In those moments of unwanted experiences, what guides your actions? When life places in front of you something that you do not … Continue reading Whenever you’re trying to avoid the experience you’re having, you are aligning with fear.
Every decision you make results in your body experiencing either LOVE or FEAR.
The human journey moves through a spectrum of experiences and understandings that vary from intricate complexity that is hard to make sense of, to having epiphanies of simple it could be. Our minds do tend to overcomplicate things, so sometimes it is really helpful to embrace simple concepts that further our understanding. Gary Zukav’s message … Continue reading Every decision you make results in your body experiencing either LOVE or FEAR.
You can live for the survival of this body, or you can live for the full expression of this soul.
Body and soul - two sides of the same coin while we’re having our human experience. The first is impatient, often loud, always demanding attention because it is concerned with the very important work of staying alive. The second is slower, found in silence, always present because there’s nowhere else to run to in the … Continue reading You can live for the survival of this body, or you can live for the full expression of this soul.
Very well then, I contradict myself – I contain multitudes!
Walt Whitman once wrote, "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." Whitman encapsulates this truth beautifully. Each of us is a universe unto ourselves, a multitude of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, that often contradict each other in harmonious dissonance. Some of our thoughts and feelings become … Continue reading Very well then, I contradict myself – I contain multitudes!