The Dalai Lama's message for today's meditation is that the biggest cause of our unhappiness is our own mind, "the mind is the only trouble maker", he says: "Everyone wants a happy life without difficulties or suffering. But we create many of the problems we face. No one intentionally creates problems, but we tend to … Continue reading You can’t only start to grow roots once you see storm clouds gather on the horizon…
You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
Sometimes it feels like the world is teetering on the brink. A world plagued by conflict, inequality, and environmental degradation. It’s a world that often seems overwhelming, a labyrinth of problems that appear insurmountable. It's easy to feel helpless, a mere speck in the vast universe. The weight of this global burden can sometimes feel … Continue reading You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
We DO need adversity in order to grow.
What's been known forever is that we need adversity in order to grow. When you go to gym and expose your muscles to doing what they haven't done before, then they're forced into making adaptations and become stronger. All of our growth is like this. "Through difficult experiences, life sometimes becomes more meaningful." - Dalai … Continue reading We DO need adversity in order to grow.
Don’t worry, be happy ;)
All great teachers across the ages have taught about the futility of worrying, and my favourite wisdom on the topic has been attributed to a few different people so I'll just say I don't know who it's from: "Worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum." Even … Continue reading Don’t worry, be happy 😉
Even our boundaries inflict damage when they are created in ignorance and not in understanding.
We often navigate our lives with a lens of judgment, quick to categorize people into boxes of "good" or "bad." This narrow perspective, however, obscures a deeper truth: the complexity of the human experience. Today's meditation takes a look at the humans around us with a reminder - It's likely that every human you see … Continue reading Even our boundaries inflict damage when they are created in ignorance and not in understanding.
Creating in fear means we are in constant resistance to life. Turn it around!
As we step into a new week, we’re taking a moment to look into the week ahead and be intentional about how we want to show up, how we want to create this week. Our teacher for the week is The Dalai Lama, and he reminds us that we can choose where we get our … Continue reading Creating in fear means we are in constant resistance to life. Turn it around!
You ARE the voice of wisdom.
While we have a guided meditation every day of the week, on Sundays the meditation is just quiet. Just you sitting with your own silence, and knowing that all of us are sitting in our own silence along with you. "It is indeed a radical act of love just to sit down and be quiet … Continue reading You ARE the voice of wisdom.
Just watch this moment, without trying to change it at all.
A message from today's meditation: In our fast-paced, noise-filled world, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of thoughts, worries, and distractions. We often find ourselves rushing from one task to the next, our minds racing ahead, and our bodies feeling stressed and fatigued. Yet, within these fleeting moments there is a path … Continue reading Just watch this moment, without trying to change it at all.
Practice sharing the fullness of your being.
I want you to really hear this... I want you to remember this... You are worthy! You are deserving! You are whole! And... You are not separate from any of this. Just like a wave is something that the entire ocean is doing, you are an expression of the entire Universe. The Universe IS you. … Continue reading Practice sharing the fullness of your being.
It’s the process of paying attention, that changes the brain significantly.
Today's journey is SUPER practical, and also really simple. How good is your brain at concentrating? At keeping focus? And is this an ability that you can develop? "The real meditation practice is how we live our lives from moment to moment to moment." - Jon Kabat-Zinn This doesn't mean that we shouldn't make ourselves … Continue reading It’s the process of paying attention, that changes the brain significantly.
Just let it go…
Letting go... or hearing the words, "just let it go" is one of those disservices we do to ourselves and others while we're trying to be really well meaning. It feels like the right thing to say, but we all have our own moments of struggling with our own personal example of not being able … Continue reading Just let it go…
Become available to what this moment makes available to you.
On being present... Some of Jon Kabat-Zinn's most well known work is on the theme of being present, as illustrated by the very fitting title of one of his books, "Wherever you go, there you are." Today's meditation journey approaches being present from two perspectives: What do we gain from being present with our outer … Continue reading Become available to what this moment makes available to you.
Meet every moment with full awareness.
With the week ahead of you, how do you want to show up to the challenges that this week brings? While some of the challenges we face come towards us from the outside, we all experience internal obstacles from time to time too. Looking at the week ahead, you might have an idea of the … Continue reading Meet every moment with full awareness.
You ARE the universe experiencing itself.
A silent meditation for today......... You don't need to stop all of your thinking, but you can slip into a space that is deeper than the thinking and simply be the observer of the thinking... In this place you will find that you're unattached - this doesn't mean that you are separate from everything, but … Continue reading You ARE the universe experiencing itself.
My mind is racing!
My mind is racing! Is this an experience that you are familiar with? When we have a really busy mind, the worst thing we can do is add more thinking. Anxiety and stress is associated with racing thoughts, which is a high and fast brainwave state. In this mind space we often struggle to think … Continue reading My mind is racing!
To experience love, you’ll have to fall…
We don't talk about rising into love, but falling... We "fall" into love because it requires a surrender. Love asks of us to let go of the need to control, the need to force an outcome. Love is not something we need to search for to find, it is the truth of who we are, … Continue reading To experience love, you’ll have to fall…
The Eternal Now: Your Ultimate Destination
Right here, right where you are right now, is where you hold the power... Right now is the only place where you can spend your energy productively, not in some future moment. If your happiness is always around some distant corner in the future, guess what... you're never going to catch up to it! If … Continue reading The Eternal Now: Your Ultimate Destination
When you swim, you don’t grab a hold of the water…
We live in a world of taking action! Of getting things done! And of course, we don't get closer to any destination without the action of taking steps forward. But we can also see how easy it is to run around like a headless chicken, taking steps that lead nowhere, not making any progress at … Continue reading When you swim, you don’t grab a hold of the water…
Does your mind sometimes go “off task?”
A bit of brain science for you today. Does your mind sometimes go "off task?” And when it does, do you struggle to get your mind back on track and stay focused? Today’s first thought by Alan Watts mentions that the whole secret to life is the ability to remain on task, and also to … Continue reading Does your mind sometimes go “off task?”
You must not be afraid of playing wrong notes. Even if you play it wrong… just play!
It's Monday! We're at the start of a new week, let's see what this week has in store for us... Our teacher for this week is Alan Watts. He was an English writer, speaker, and self-styled "philosophical entertainer", known for interpreting and popularising Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu philosophy for a Western audience. He wrote more … Continue reading You must not be afraid of playing wrong notes. Even if you play it wrong… just play!
The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
Welcome to the practice of silence... Take a moment out of your day and come and sit with us in a circle of silence. You don't have to complete the whole meditation, just come and sit with us for as long as it feels useful to you... "Solitude is for me a fount of healing … Continue reading The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
I will CHOOSE where to pour my water.
I want to start today’s message with this thought - “Whatever you water will grow…” … take a moment to let the thought marinade in your mind for a bit, and then we’ll get back to this thought in a moment. In the meantime, let’s get into Carl Jung’s message for us today. "We don't … Continue reading I will CHOOSE where to pour my water.
Double down on love in a world that insists on dividing people into “us vs them”.
A message from today's meditation: In a world increasingly polarized by division and conflict, where the lines between "us" and "them" seem to deepen daily, the act of loving unconditionally becomes an act of radical defiance. Carl Jung's exploration of love reveals its elusive and mysterious nature. He acknowledges the futility of attempting to define … Continue reading Double down on love in a world that insists on dividing people into “us vs them”.
On self-sabotage.
For a moment let’s talk about “self-sabotage”. The nature of my work requires regular conversations about this topic which I think is an unfortunate label. The term self-sabotage means that a person is deliberately getting in their own way. That there is a part of their personality that doesn’t want them to be successful, and … Continue reading On self-sabotage.
Let EVERYONE be your teacher.
To be human is to find ourselves entangled in the intricate web of human interaction, navigating a landscape of emotions and reactions. In some of these interactions, we may feel triggered, frustrated, or even angry. However, these very moments can be transformed into opportunities for profound self-discovery. Every human around us, is a catalyst for … Continue reading Let EVERYONE be your teacher.
The wisdom of your soul, is the essence of who you truly are.
There is wisdom within you. We are never disconnected from the eternal presence of our soul, but it sure can feel that way. It is the loud volume of our fears that drowns out the whisper of wisdom in our soul. When we heal what has been hurt within us our fears become less loud, … Continue reading The wisdom of your soul, is the essence of who you truly are.
What moves you?
It's Monday! Welcome to the new week! Our teacher this week is Carl Jung who made a lasting impact on the science of the mind as the father of “analytical psychology” during the first half of the 20th century. He understood though that in the pursuit of creating a clear science of human consciousness, it … Continue reading What moves you?
Are you stuck in what you know?
Are you stuck in what you know? It may sound like a weird question but Iyanla Vanzant shines some light on the reason behind this question - "If you don't have a vision, then you're going to be stuck in what you know. And what you know is limited to the things that you've already … Continue reading Are you stuck in what you know?
The in-between spaces.
Today's thought from Iyanla Vanzant is my very favourite piece of her wisdom. Her message is about being in that space where I know that the old doesn’t serve me any longer, but I don’t quite have the clarity of what the next steps look like… "You must be ready in mind, in body, and … Continue reading The in-between spaces.
You ARE consciousness itself, manifested in form.
Either everything is of God, or nothing is of God. It can't be true that only certain things were made by God and not others, and this means that YOU... you are a part of God... and this makes you worthy. You are worthy and deserving just because you breathe, and your heart beats. We … Continue reading You ARE consciousness itself, manifested in form.