Whoever taught you that you’re not lovable just as you are was never right, and being who you are was never wrong.

Love.  It's a word whispered in fairytales, a yearning etched in our hearts. Yet, for many of us, truly receiving love can feel like a foreign concept. We shower love on others freely, but when it comes to letting it wash over us, a strange resistance sets in. Why is this? Why do we struggle … Continue reading Whoever taught you that you’re not lovable just as you are was never right, and being who you are was never wrong.

Messy and also beautiful.

There is a beautiful paradox to being human. We are a glorious tapestry woven with vibrant threads of strength, resilience, and love, and also… among these vibrant threads there are undeniably threads of imperfection, insecurities, and occasional stumbles, inseparable from the woven whole. The question is whether the value of the tapestry is increased or … Continue reading Messy and also beautiful.

No more energy wasted on resistance.

Have you ever found yourself spending way too much energy fighting a reality that is not going to change, or trying to keep control over what is ultimately beyond your control? It is like trying to push a boulder up a hill. You pour on the effort, muscles straining, but the darn thing barely budges. … Continue reading No more energy wasted on resistance.

Experience life at full-strength!

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life's experiences, to the point where closing your heart seemed like the only way to cope? It's a natural instinct, this desire for self-protection. But what if I told you that shielding your heart actually diminishes your experience of life itself? We sometimes have life experiences that feel too … Continue reading Experience life at full-strength!

Forget about enlightenment!

The week stretches before you, a canvas waiting for your brushstrokes. Goals to set, dreams to chase – it's the natural human instinct to plan, to propel ourselves towards a perceived better future. But in this mad dash towards "what could be," we often forget the most fertile ground for growth: the present moment. Our … Continue reading Forget about enlightenment!

You’ll remember what you are… and that there are things you know… always knew.

There is wisdom in you!  Have you ever had a feeling, deep in your gut, that you knew something to be true, even without logic or explanation?  Perhaps a moment of sudden clarity or a powerful intuition that guided you in the right direction? That, my friend, is the voice of your inner wisdom whispering … Continue reading You’ll remember what you are… and that there are things you know… always knew.

You will be rewarded with more love for the whole of your human experience.

What is it that makes a meditation of experiencing your 5 senses so useful? Firstly, grounding yourself in the feedback that your senses give you is an intensely "present moment" experience. Pulling all of your scattered attention - which is still trying to change the past and also control the future - back into one … Continue reading You will be rewarded with more love for the whole of your human experience.

It’s not healing that makes you whole… It’s becoming whole that makes you heal.

We all carry wounds, big or small, that leave their mark on our hearts and minds. The path to healing often feels like a long and arduous journey, filled with the hope of someday becoming whole again. But what if the answer to wholeness lies not in waiting for some miraculous healing to happen, but … Continue reading It’s not healing that makes you whole… It’s becoming whole that makes you heal.

We achieve ourselves, by sharing ourselves with others.

Today is Human Rights day in South Africa, and so the meditation journey today is in celebration of being human! We often get caught up in the illusion of being separate entities. But a closer look reveals the intricate web of human cooperation that sustains us. Our reminder is that we can't be human all … Continue reading We achieve ourselves, by sharing ourselves with others.

You are becoming more and more you, as the old layers of armour slowly unravel.

Could you imagine yourself peeling back layers, revealing a truer, more authentic you beneath? This is not just a handy metaphor, it's the reality of what meditation does. While we have accumulated these layers in an attempt to make ourselves more presentable, more acceptable to the world, this inauthentic self we’ve been constructing becomes our … Continue reading You are becoming more and more you, as the old layers of armour slowly unravel.

Becoming better at feeling…

Today’s wisdom comes from great teachers on the topic of meditation. And the central message for today is that, "of course you have thoughts and feelings, but your thoughts and feelings are not who you are." This becomes increasingly clear as you find that there is a space within you from where you are able … Continue reading Becoming better at feeling…

Do you have the patience to wait for your pond to settle, and the water to become clear?

Are you ready to dive into a brand new week? Before the emails flood in and the to-do list stretches a mile long, let's take a deep breath and set the stage for a truly thriving week. Imagine a play on opening night: the actors haven't met, haven't practiced their lines, and nervously face a … Continue reading Do you have the patience to wait for your pond to settle, and the water to become clear?

Without wisdom, our compulsion to “do” re-creates the same old problems again and again…

We live in a world obsessed with action. A desperate need to always be seen “doing”, and yet our constant busy-ness seems to primarily result in “never enough”. Never enough time, never enough money, never enough acceptance, never enough stuff. Our lives become controlled by lists, goals and productivity hacks – the constant pressure to … Continue reading Without wisdom, our compulsion to “do” re-creates the same old problems again and again…

Seek out and surround yourself with people who believe in possibilities!

Life throws a lot at us. Between overflowing inboxes and newsfeeds filled with negativity, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and cynical. Today’s message is really simple - never let go of the child within you who used to believe that the world can be a more beautiful place. The part of you who knows that … Continue reading Seek out and surround yourself with people who believe in possibilities!

I am human only because you are human too.

There's a profound truth nestled within the simple phrase, "I am human only because you are human too."  This sentiment is the foundation of today’s meditation. There is a felt connection we can experience with the humans in our circle when we let go of the sense of safety we think we gain from our … Continue reading I am human only because you are human too.

We have to believe in a more beautiful world in order to serve it.

It sometimes feels as though our soul resists the kind of life that this world offers. As if there's a deeper knowing that what society has turned into can't be the way that it's supposed to be. “Addiction, self-sabotage, procrastination, laziness, rage, chronic fatigue, and depression are all ways that we withhold our full participation … Continue reading We have to believe in a more beautiful world in order to serve it.

When you’re acting from your soul, discipline becomes obvious.

You are in a process of remembering - remembering who you really are. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of who we truly are. We get caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities, expectations, and societal norms, forgetting the essence of our being. But amidst this chaos, … Continue reading When you’re acting from your soul, discipline becomes obvious.

They are in fact both on the same side… they are both on the side of war.

Today's journey takes us through our relationships with the people around us, and the world at large. A few years ago I had a clear realization of how our "survival self" is primed to "discriminate". The most primitive part of our brain is hardwired for survival and ready to cast suspicion on anything and anyone … Continue reading They are in fact both on the same side… they are both on the side of war.

What miracles are you losing out on?

Do you ever dismiss miracles as fantastical occurrences reserved for saints or superheroes? You're not alone, there are many and varied opinions on the theme of miracles.  Miracles are most often understood as violations of the natural world, but our teacher for this week - Charles Eisenstein - brings a twist to this understanding that … Continue reading What miracles are you losing out on?

Peace knows where you live, but it will only find you there if you make sure that you are in fact home.

Sunday meditations are an opportunity to come together, simply to sit in silence together. Jaya John's work doesn't speak much about meditation or silence, but this quote pointed right in the direction of finding this kind of silence that we can call home: "Peace knows your address. Make sure that you are home. Be present … Continue reading Peace knows where you live, but it will only find you there if you make sure that you are in fact home.

Do your best! But stop trying so damn hard…

It is at the bottom of your softness that you will discover your deepest strength. Before you start reading, maybe take a few breaths first. Make it real slow, slowly in, and slowly out. With every exhale think, "softness..." as you breathe out, soften your body, feel yourself melt, surrender... “Fear and pain may not … Continue reading Do your best! But stop trying so damn hard…

There’s an “IS”-ness about the way that love operates that we can learn to trust and surrender to.

On this Friday of love, here's Jaiya John's take on the subject: "Your own love heals you." - Jaiya John "She wrote a Love letter to herself every day. That's how she got through it." - Jaiya John Learning how to really love YOU causes you to live in a different state, in a different … Continue reading There’s an “IS”-ness about the way that love operates that we can learn to trust and surrender to.

Don’t observe the revolution, BE the revolution!

Have you ever felt the warmth of the sun on your skin after a long, cold night? That's the kind of energy Jaiya John urges us to bring to the world. In today's message, he urges us to remember who we are: luminous beings radiating our own unique light. John's message is a call to … Continue reading Don’t observe the revolution, BE the revolution!

All the world’s wonder is a song. The notes and the singer are YOU!

Being human, we have an ever changing flow in our emotional landscape. The thoughts we think and the emotions we feel flow in and out very much like clouds in the sky. Yet, often we view our emotions with apprehension, fearing the discomfort they might bring.  Jaiya John reminds us today that by acknowledging and … Continue reading All the world’s wonder is a song. The notes and the singer are YOU!

All are welcome here, none will be left behind.

Our teacher this week is Jaiya John, and it always amazes me how I can fall deeply in love with his work again and again after I've been away from it for a while. "Your life is three truths: How you treat others. How you treat yourself. And how you allow yourself to be treated." … Continue reading All are welcome here, none will be left behind.

Ask yourself this week, “What am I watering?”

The message for this week is in water, and it comes from the pen of Jaiya John: Be deliberate about where you pour your water this week... "Water will show you what freedom is. Try to destroy it and it changes form but retains its essence. Swallow it and you become it. Bottle it and … Continue reading Ask yourself this week, “What am I watering?”

The friend that you’re gradually coming to know, is YOU.

Sundays are for silent meditation, so less direction from me, and more of experiencing your own silent space. Regular meditation introduces you to a lifelong friend, always present, offering unwavering support and endless depths to explore. This friend isn't someone that you need to go out and meet; it's you. The journey of self-discovery begins … Continue reading The friend that you’re gradually coming to know, is YOU.

Take empowered action!

Some “Stoic” philosophy for you today. The Stoic school of thought got its start around the 3rd century BC in Greece with Zeno, but it’s really when it hit Rome that it gained prominence. Every time I encounter stoic philosophy it feels very similar to Buddhism or Taoism to me. Stoicism is a school of … Continue reading Take empowered action!

Do you need to change your personality?

Do you need to change your personality? This might feel like a harsh question, almost an accusation of something being wrong with who you are. But don't dismiss it too quickly. Join me on this thought journey to see if it resonates with you: "The freedom the Buddha envisioned does not come from jettisoning imprisoning … Continue reading Do you need to change your personality?