Do you need to change your personality?

Do you need to change your personality? This might feel like a harsh question, almost an accusation of something being wrong with who you are. But don't dismiss it too quickly. Join me on this thought journey to see if it resonates with you: "The freedom the Buddha envisioned does not come from jettisoning imprisoning … Continue reading Do you need to change your personality?

I am the eternal constant that can hold it all, without being victim to any of it.

Take a moment to create in your mind the image of a majestic mountain towering over the landscape around it. See it standing resolute against the ever-changing elements. This mountain, battered yet unyielding, represents an essential truth about ourselves: we ourselves possess an eternal constant within, capable of holding all of life's experiences without becoming … Continue reading I am the eternal constant that can hold it all, without being victim to any of it.

The universe within, leads to the universe without.

We often walk through life glancing past the faces around us. Not recognizing each individual as a complex universe unto themselves, as we autopilot our way through the world. Yet, what if we shifted our perspective? What if we saw in each person, not a stranger, but a reflection of our own inherent wholeness? This … Continue reading The universe within, leads to the universe without.

This is how you consistently do your best!

Do you ever feel the relentless pressure to constantly outperform yourself? The nagging feeling that your best is just never good enough? We've all been there, and for this week I’d love you to really take this message home to your heart… give yourself permission to just do your best, nothing more and nothing less. … Continue reading This is how you consistently do your best!

Trying to describe the indescribable…

Words can be beautiful tools, painting vibrant landscapes of imagination and sharing the whispers of the heart. Yet, some truths dance just beyond the grasp of words, like moonlight on water, shimmering and elusive. Lao Tzu, the ancient philosopher, understood this dance intimately. In the last part of Lao Tzu's life, he was old, and … Continue reading Trying to describe the indescribable…

Your own transformation is a gift to the world!

Making the world a better place is a given if... we all make ourselves better humans... Lao Tzu does such a beautiful job describing the impact we have on the world around us when we each make it our focus to do our own inner work first. I really want you to know that your … Continue reading Your own transformation is a gift to the world!

Why…? Because we’d love to live in a world where we can let our guard down and love the humans around us.

Today's message from Lao Tzu is about how hard we try to live really good lives, create good societies, and teach our kids good values. We have a sense of the principles we need to rely, insist and agree on in order to foster cooperation not only in our close relationships, but at scale. Some … Continue reading Why…? Because we’d love to live in a world where we can let our guard down and love the humans around us.

How much energy will you waste banging on the door that used to be open?

Not being present always means that we are out of alignment.  Out of alignment with what? - Out of alignment with life itself, with reality, with what IS. When we're not being present, when we're not facing this moment exactly as it is, then some (or a lot) of our energy is being spent on … Continue reading How much energy will you waste banging on the door that used to be open?

Practice is the key that unlocks the chest.

Imagine a chest overflowing with the priceless gems of knowledge, and wisdom. It sits within you, ready to be opened, yet it remains locked and inaccessible. The key to this treasure lies not in any external force providing you the solution. The key to this chest is practice… the gentle, consistent practice of self-discovery. This … Continue reading Practice is the key that unlocks the chest.

How do we embody this gentleness that is so saturated with relentless power?

I really love Lao Tzu's analogies involving water as a very descriptive illustration of how in the battle between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins - not through strength but by perseverance. How do we tap into this source of strength? "The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in … Continue reading How do we embody this gentleness that is so saturated with relentless power?

What are you running towards?

Every Monday morning's meditation guides us to look at the week ahead and establish some clarity around what it is we want to create in the coming week. Today we ask the question,"what is it that motivates your creating - FEAR or FREEDOM?" When you create from FEAR, you're creating in order to avoid consequences. … Continue reading What are you running towards?

The level of consciousness you tune-in to, determines your experience of the world.

Imagine life as a giant radio dial, buzzing with frequencies. Each station offers a unique experience, a specific lens through which you perceive the world. But unlike a physical dial, you have the power to choose your vibration – to tune into a consciousness that shapes your reality in remarkable ways. Think about it. When … Continue reading The level of consciousness you tune-in to, determines your experience of the world.

Learn to process life as it happens.

Are you missing out on the beauty of today by wishing for tomorrow's happiness? We all get caught up in the whirlwind of life, constantly chasing the next big thing, the next milestone. It sometimes amazes me the extent to which we can be absent from our own lives, because we’re always wishing to be … Continue reading Learn to process life as it happens.

Experience that love is your natural state!

Like all biological creatures, a big part of what keeps us alive are the patterns created in our subconscious and embedded in our bodies, ready to fire in an instant to steer us toward safety and away from danger. Having these patterns is what makes us similar to our animal friends, but it is our … Continue reading Experience that love is your natural state!

Your soul’s desires compel you to grow.

Have you ever experienced a gnawing emptiness, a persistent void that no amount of success, possessions, or pleasures can seem to fill? You chase achievements, set ambitious goals, and celebrate victories, yet something still feels missing. It’s possible that you won’t find the answer in what you're pursuing but in what you're neglecting. Perhaps, it's … Continue reading Your soul’s desires compel you to grow.

Take an honest look at yourself!

"Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad." - Debbie Ford "Take an honest look at yourself!" There’s a lot to unpack here, this statement could be loaded with a lot of judgement. Have these words ever been spoken … Continue reading Take an honest look at yourself!

Finding true freedom from your fears.

Our greatest sense of dis-ease, often comes from expecting ourselves to "be" only one way, like always "be"-ing happy or always "be"-ing positive - and then being very disappointed with ourselves when we find ourselves "being" in ways we don't want to "be". But being human means that we do experience our "selves" in a … Continue reading Finding true freedom from your fears.

I know you’re doing your best, and I’m here to tell you that it’s enough.

Do you ever feel like you’re always giving it everything you’ve got, while the world keeps throwing you unexpected curveballs? It can feel incredibly frustrating, leaving us questioning our efforts and wondering if we're ever going to achieve the life we desire. But what if the true key to unlocking your best life lies not … Continue reading I know you’re doing your best, and I’m here to tell you that it’s enough.

Almost as if we’ve been carrying with us a bunch of noisy passengers all along…

Imagine for a moment the scene of commuting to and from work every day in a noisy train car. Looking around you, you can see how the train is crammed with anxieties, doubts, and the echoes of others' opinions - this is a screenshot of the reality of what we’re surrounded by day after day. … Continue reading Almost as if we’ve been carrying with us a bunch of noisy passengers all along…

You can choose between being trapped by the way your mind has become programmed, or transcending it.

You are beautifully designed in all perfection. Everything you think and feel is exactly as it should be for the life experiences you have had. Your body and mind is responding to your environment in the way it was designed to, by figuring out a way to cope, a way to survive. However, your past … Continue reading You can choose between being trapped by the way your mind has become programmed, or transcending it.

Practice seeing both sides without choosing either.

The human experience is a tapestry woven with threads of both light and also shadow, joy and also sorrow, strength and also vulnerability. We often find ourselves caught in the internal struggle of reconciling these opposing forces, conditioned to label one as "good" and the other as "bad," to cling to certainty and avoid the … Continue reading Practice seeing both sides without choosing either.

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

When we talk about fear, or listen to talks about overcoming fear, and hear that everything we've ever wanted is on the other side of fear - it often sounds like the ways to overcome our fears are things like jumping out of an airplane or diving with sharks! But let's be real, most of … Continue reading Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

This is my secret to happiness, I don’t mind what happens.

We all strive for inner peace and a sense of freedom, yet life often throws us curveballs. Almost daily we are met with obstacles and stumbling blocks that we couldn’t have planned for, leaving us feeling frustrated, anxious, and out of control. The good news is that being happy doesn’t need us to avoid these … Continue reading This is my secret to happiness, I don’t mind what happens.

When the mind is not caught in the net of certainty, it is in a state of discovery.

Our teacher for this week is Juddu Krishnamurthi, and here are a few thoughts from him to ponder as you look at your week ahead -  "In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth … Continue reading When the mind is not caught in the net of certainty, it is in a state of discovery.

The infinitely creative womb of all existence.

Do you create the space to spend time in your own silence? And what benefit does spending time in stillness have? Can this benefit be described? Our teacher for this week has been Eckhart Tolle, and we'll have a look at how he describes what it is we find in silence: “Space and silence are … Continue reading The infinitely creative womb of all existence.

The most decisive event in your life is when you discover you are not your thoughts or emotions.

A message from today's meditation: I think it's helpful to share quite a long piece from Eckhart Tolle in today's email. Well, I guess it’s not that long really, it’s still less than a 5 min read, and extremely helpful. But just before I post that in here, this is what I'd like you to … Continue reading The most decisive event in your life is when you discover you are not your thoughts or emotions.

What I have found in SELF, I am finding EVERYWHERE!

Eckhart Tolle speaks about love in a very simple way, cutting right through the cultural baggage that we have collected around the word love throughout human history. He demonstrates that we tend to "feel" love from either one of these two places - Ego or Soul. “To the ego, loving and wanting are the same, … Continue reading What I have found in SELF, I am finding EVERYWHERE!

Come and soak in the bathtub of your soul.

Our teacher this week is Eckhart Tolle, but to drive his message home today, I’ve included a thought from Alan Watts as well: "Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and listen. No more is needed." - Eckhart Tolle "You have a treasure within you that is infinitely greater than anything the … Continue reading Come and soak in the bathtub of your soul.

Know yourself as the “being” beneath the thoughts…

Know yourself as the "being" beneath the thoughts... Take a moment and really feel this statement... You have thoughts, feelings, emotions... is that who you really are? Or is there a being on a deeper level with the ability to observe all these chemical reactions without getting caught up in them? “To know yourself as … Continue reading Know yourself as the “being” beneath the thoughts…