Have you ever started a new project with fierce determination, only to see results fall short of your initial expectations? Maybe you hit a wall with a creative endeavor, or progress on a fitness goal feels agonizingly slow. These moments of frustration are all too familiar, and it's easy to get discouraged. But what if … Continue reading Trust in the unfolding.
We have to start with clarity, however no matter how much clarity we create there is very little that we actually control.
There's a familiar saying: "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." It captures the essence of our struggle – the desire for control and the inevitability of the unexpected. This week, let's explore this conundrum with the guidance of Tara Brach, a renowned meditation teacher and psychologist. As we take a look … Continue reading We have to start with clarity, however no matter how much clarity we create there is very little that we actually control.
Are you putting too much pressure on yourself to create perfection?
This week, we'll dive into the teachings of Alan Cohen. And as we step into this week, he reminds us that we don't need to have all of the clarity in order to take the next step. And also, I couldn't resist adding Rumi's teaching on the same subject as well - "Do not wait … Continue reading Are you putting too much pressure on yourself to create perfection?
Will you create at your highest potential this week?
It's Monday! We have another fresh new week in which to create, let's grab the bull by the horns and jump in! It's the perfect time to ask yourself: will you create at your highest potential this week? “In letting go, we cease trying to make something happen, and then the mind naturally opens. It … Continue reading Will you create at your highest potential this week?
Shift your focus from problems to possibilities.
The themes for our meditations this week are inspired by four teachers: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse. “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” is a 2019 illustrated book by Charlie Mackesy, which follows the developing friendship between these four characters. The Boy is lost in the winter wilderness, … Continue reading Shift your focus from problems to possibilities.
Say yes to life’s fierce, ruthless, and loving grace.
It’s the first day of a new week! As you settle into the rhythm of fresh beginnings, have you ever considered this – your entire life is a path to awakening? Every experience, every challenge, every moment of joy or sorrow, everything you go through holds the possibility of waking you up into the potential … Continue reading Say yes to life’s fierce, ruthless, and loving grace.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
It's Monday! A fresh week stretches before you, a canvas waiting for the masterpiece of your creation. We’re ditching the “blue Monday” vibes and embracing the potential that this new chapter holds, so let's start with a little bit of fun first. I LOVE Sweatpants and Coffee's Monday Motivations, maybe I'll include them more often … Continue reading The best way to predict the future is to create it.
One of the world’s great Taoist masters, is a yellow bear.
Have you ever read Winnie the Pooh and realized that Pooh Bear is quite Zen compared to most of the characters around him? “While Eeyore frets.....and Piglet hesitates..and Rabbit calculates..and Owl pontificates Pooh just is…” - The Tao of Pooh Our teacher this week is very simply, a yellow bear in a … Continue reading One of the world’s great Taoist masters, is a yellow bear.
It’s dark because you’re trying too hard.
It's Monday, a fresh start to the week! We all dive in, energized and eager to make the best of our time. Today’s meditation challenges the notion that success hinges on relentless effort - a constant state of pushing and brute-force striving - and asks us to stop for a moment and reflect on the … Continue reading It’s dark because you’re trying too hard.
I hope you dream big this week!
Standing at the start of a new week, possibility stretches before us like an unfurled canvas. What will we create this week? Our Teacher for the week is the whirling dervish of poetry, Rumi, urging us to embrace the boundless potential that lies within each of us. Daring us to dream big. “Stop acting so … Continue reading I hope you dream big this week!
May you infect everyone around you with the magic of your soul!
Hello! Welcome to a brand new week! This week we don’t have just one teacher but a collection of wisdom from a diverse group of teachers. Today’s message is from Albert Einstein who I think along with scientist and philosopher, could perhaps be described as spiritual teacher too: "There are only two ways to live … Continue reading May you infect everyone around you with the magic of your soul!
The heart is like a garden. What seeds will you plant there?
Our teacher this week is Jack Kornfield who spent the years 1967 to 1972 becoming a monk in Thailand and Burma. Since 1974 he has been teaching meditation worldwide and was instrumental in introducing Buddhist mindfulness practices to the West. Standing at the start of a new week looking ahead, here are some thoughts from … Continue reading The heart is like a garden. What seeds will you plant there?
The past is alive only in our memory. The future is alive in only our imagination.
Sadhguru is our teacher this week. And as we look ahead into the next seven days, he reminds us that everything from the past or future, exists only within our minds. The past is a collection of memories, and the future is a series of projections. Neither truly exists in the tangible now. This realization … Continue reading The past is alive only in our memory. The future is alive in only our imagination.
Forget about enlightenment!
The week stretches before you, a canvas waiting for your brushstrokes. Goals to set, dreams to chase – it's the natural human instinct to plan, to propel ourselves towards a perceived better future. But in this mad dash towards "what could be," we often forget the most fertile ground for growth: the present moment. Our … Continue reading Forget about enlightenment!
Do you have the patience to wait for your pond to settle, and the water to become clear?
Are you ready to dive into a brand new week? Before the emails flood in and the to-do list stretches a mile long, let's take a deep breath and set the stage for a truly thriving week. Imagine a play on opening night: the actors haven't met, haven't practiced their lines, and nervously face a … Continue reading Do you have the patience to wait for your pond to settle, and the water to become clear?
What miracles are you losing out on?
Do you ever dismiss miracles as fantastical occurrences reserved for saints or superheroes? You're not alone, there are many and varied opinions on the theme of miracles. Miracles are most often understood as violations of the natural world, but our teacher for this week - Charles Eisenstein - brings a twist to this understanding that … Continue reading What miracles are you losing out on?
Ask yourself this week, “What am I watering?”
The message for this week is in water, and it comes from the pen of Jaiya John: Be deliberate about where you pour your water this week... "Water will show you what freedom is. Try to destroy it and it changes form but retains its essence. Swallow it and you become it. Bottle it and … Continue reading Ask yourself this week, “What am I watering?”
This is how you consistently do your best!
For this week ahead my biggest wish for you is: That you simply do your best! "Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." - Oprah Winfrey "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr. "Just do the best you … Continue reading This is how you consistently do your best!
What are you running towards?
Every Monday morning's meditation guides us to look at the week ahead and establish some clarity around what it is we want to create in the coming week. Today we ask the question,"what is it that motivates your creating - FEAR or FREEDOM?" When you create from FEAR, you're creating to avoid consequences. Creating because, … Continue reading What are you running towards?
I know you’re doing your best, and I’m here to tell you that it’s enough.
Do you ever feel like the world keeps throwing you curveballs while you're giving it everything you’ve got? Friend, I hear you. But what if the true key to unlocking the life you desire lies not in external outcomes, but in how you see and treat yourself? Our teacher for this week is Debbie Ford, … Continue reading I know you’re doing your best, and I’m here to tell you that it’s enough.
When the mind is not caught in the net of certainty, it is in a state of discovery.
Our teacher for this week is Juddu Krishnamurthi, and here are a few thoughts from him to ponder as you look at your week ahead - "In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth … Continue reading When the mind is not caught in the net of certainty, it is in a state of discovery.
If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it!
Looking at the week ahead, Monday morning starts as a reflection of what I want to create this week, and also how I want to create, how I want to show up. How I want to feel while I'm creating. I find that being serious about creating often brings our anxieties to the surface as … Continue reading If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it!