Without self-acceptance, we’re never truly safe to be honest with ourselves.

A trap we easily fall into when we’re trying to do better, to grow, to heal, is reaching for an "ideal" way of being or feeling, as a kind of proof of our progress. It's easy to be disappointed by "negative" thoughts and feelings and read them as a step backwards in our attempt to … Continue reading Without self-acceptance, we’re never truly safe to be honest with ourselves.

Just watch this moment, without trying to change it at all.

A message from today's meditation: In our fast-paced, noise-filled world, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of thoughts, worries, and distractions. We often find ourselves rushing from one task to the next, our minds racing ahead, and our bodies feeling stressed and fatigued. Yet, within these fleeting moments there is a path … Continue reading Just watch this moment, without trying to change it at all.

Practice sharing the fullness of your being.

I want you to really hear this... I want you to remember this... You are worthy! You are deserving! You are whole! And... You are not separate from any of this. Just like a wave is something that the entire ocean is doing, you are an expression of the entire Universe. The Universe IS you. … Continue reading Practice sharing the fullness of your being.

It’s the process of paying attention, that changes the brain significantly.

Today's journey is SUPER practical, and also really simple.  How good is your brain at concentrating? At keeping focus? And is this an ability that you can develop? "The real meditation practice is how we live our lives from moment to moment to moment." - Jon Kabat-Zinn This doesn't mean that we shouldn't make ourselves … Continue reading It’s the process of paying attention, that changes the brain significantly.

Become available to what this moment makes available to you.

On being present... Some of Jon Kabat-Zinn's most well known work is on the theme of being present, as illustrated by the very fitting title of one of his books, "Wherever you go, there you are." Today's meditation journey approaches being present from two perspectives: What do we gain from being present with our outer … Continue reading Become available to what this moment makes available to you.

Meet every moment with full awareness.

With the week ahead of you, how do you want to show up to the challenges that this week brings? While some of the challenges we face come towards us from the outside, we all experience internal obstacles from time to time too. Looking at the week ahead, you might have an idea of the … Continue reading Meet every moment with full awareness.

How the f#@k do we let go?

Letting go... or hearing the words, "just let it go" is one of those disservices we do to ourselves and others while meaning really well. It feels like the right thing to say but we all have our own moments of struggling with our own personal example of not being able to let something go … Continue reading How the f#@k do we let go?

Are you trying to live in a moment that doesn’t exist?

In the whirlwind of daily life, it’s really easy to get caught up in our own heads. Perpetually jumping between anxieties about the future, and regrets about the past. This constant state of mental time travel leaves us feeling exhausted and disconnected from the richness of the present moment. We become like ghosts haunting our … Continue reading Are you trying to live in a moment that doesn’t exist?

You are becoming more and more you, as the old layers of armour slowly unravel.

Could you imagine yourself peeling back layers, revealing a truer, more authentic you beneath? This is not just a handy metaphor, it's the reality of what meditation does. While we have accumulated these layers in an attempt to make ourselves more presentable, more acceptable to the world, this inauthentic self we’ve been constructing becomes our … Continue reading You are becoming more and more you, as the old layers of armour slowly unravel.