The infinitely creative womb of all existence.

Do you create the space to spend time in your own silence? And what benefit does spending time in stillness have? Can this benefit be described? Our teacher for this week has been Eckhart Tolle, and we'll have a look at how he describes what it is we find in silence: “Space and silence are … Continue reading The infinitely creative womb of all existence.

The most decisive event in your life is when you discover you are not your thoughts or emotions.

A message from today's meditation: I think it's helpful to share quite a long piece from Eckhart Tolle in today's email. Well, I guess it’s not that long really, it’s still less than a 5 min read, and extremely helpful. But just before I post that in here, this is what I'd like you to … Continue reading The most decisive event in your life is when you discover you are not your thoughts or emotions.

What I have found in SELF, I am finding EVERYWHERE!

Eckhart Tolle speaks about love in a very simple way, cutting right through the cultural baggage that we have collected around the word love throughout human history. He demonstrates that we tend to "feel" love from either one of these two places - Ego or Soul. “To the ego, loving and wanting are the same, … Continue reading What I have found in SELF, I am finding EVERYWHERE!

Come and soak in the bathtub of your soul.

Our teacher this week is Eckhart Tolle, but to drive his message home today, I’ve included a thought from Alan Watts as well: "Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and listen. No more is needed." - Eckhart Tolle "You have a treasure within you that is infinitely greater than anything the … Continue reading Come and soak in the bathtub of your soul.

Know yourself as the “being” beneath the thoughts…

Know yourself as the "being" beneath the thoughts... Take a moment and really feel this statement... You have thoughts, feelings, emotions... is that who you really are? Or is there a being on a deeper level with the ability to observe all these chemical reactions without getting caught up in them? “To know yourself as … Continue reading Know yourself as the “being” beneath the thoughts…

A dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought.

What resides within you? Have you journeyed to that place that is the original you? The space you were created in, the universe within, vaster than any thought. Today's meditation is a guided journey to listen to your true self, the one before the noise. "Become aware of your breathing. Notice how this takes attention … Continue reading A dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought.

If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it!

Looking at the week ahead, Monday morning starts as a reflection on what I want to create this week, and also how I want to create, how I want to show up. How I want to feel while I'm creating. I find that being serious about creating often brings our anxieties to the surface as … Continue reading If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it!

Two thieves stealing your best life: Past regrets & Future fears

Past and Future... Two places that exist only in our minds, yet so much of our energy is spent there. If you had to put a percentage on it, how much of your attention dwells in the past, and how much attention is hijacked by an uncertain future? Where you place your attention, is where … Continue reading Two thieves stealing your best life: Past regrets & Future fears

Discover your next move in the flow of Surrender.

Surrender always leads to clarity... I know that it may feel completely counter-intuitive, but through surrender we overcome the compulsion to be reactive, and that provides us with space. Within that space we discover clarity, and in that clarity the next steps to take become clear.  Outside of surrender all of our actions stem from … Continue reading Discover your next move in the flow of Surrender.

Are you frying your wiring?

"The amount of stress in your life is determined by how much energy you expend resisting your life." - Gary Zukav In spiritual teachings "resistance" is a regular topic, and to understand the effects of what resistance creates within our bodies, it may be helpful to look at what resistance means in physics. In an … Continue reading Are you frying your wiring?

Escaping the prison that is the ego.

Our minds are powerful tools, but sometimes they become our own worst enemy. A constant stream of thoughts, worries, and anxieties can trap us in a state of mental unrest. One of the simplest ways to practice mindfulness and calm your mind, is to connect with the physical senses of your body. Our senses, often … Continue reading Escaping the prison that is the ego.

Seeing from a higher dimension.

"The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness." - Lao Tzu From exploring Lao Tzu's work, there is always more simplicity in his message than meets the eye. What could Lau Tzu possibly have meant by a "higher dimension of consciousness"? Is he asking us to ascend to … Continue reading Seeing from a higher dimension.

Remember to love!

Remember to love! What does that mean? What is love? What does it mean to love? Great thinkers throughout history have contemplated this question, offering diverse perspectives on the nature of love. Here are some thoughts from a few beautiful teachers: "If I love myself, I love you and if I love you, I love … Continue reading Remember to love!