Practice seeing both sides without choosing either.

The human experience is a tapestry woven with threads of both light and also shadow, joy and also sorrow, strength and also vulnerability. We often find ourselves caught in the internal struggle of reconciling these opposing forces, conditioned to label one as "good" and the other as "bad," to cling to certainty and avoid the … Continue reading Practice seeing both sides without choosing either.

Know yourself as the “being” beneath the thoughts…

Know yourself as the "being" beneath the thoughts... Take a moment and really feel this statement... You have thoughts, feelings, emotions... is that who you really are? Or is there a being on a deeper level with the ability to observe all these chemical reactions without getting caught up in them? “To know yourself as … Continue reading Know yourself as the “being” beneath the thoughts…

Your harsh inner-judge is preventing you from growing.

Today's meditation is called "The Observer", we could also call it "The Witness" and it's the practice of a skill that we all have, the ability to step outside of ourselves and look at our SELF. The better we are able to be this observer, the more able we are to look at our mistakes … Continue reading Your harsh inner-judge is preventing you from growing.

We DO need adversity in order to grow.

What's been known forever is that we need adversity in order to grow. When you go to gym and expose your muscles to doing what they haven't done before, then they're forced into making adaptations and become stronger. All of our growth is like this. "Through difficult experiences, life sometimes becomes more meaningful." - Dalai … Continue reading We DO need adversity in order to grow.

The Eternal Now: Your Ultimate Destination

Right here, right where you are right now, is where you hold the power... Right now is the only place where you can spend your energy productively, not in some future moment. If your happiness is always around some distant corner in the future, guess what... you're never going to catch up to it!  If … Continue reading The Eternal Now: Your Ultimate Destination

Keep changing your inner reality and watch as your outer reality starts changing as well.

Your thoughts and beliefs are 100% responsible for the trajectory of your life. This is a reminder that YOU can take responsibility for the thoughts and beliefs that you create. And that when you have created new thoughts and beliefs, you've also created a new mind. "What you hope, you will eventually believe. What you … Continue reading Keep changing your inner reality and watch as your outer reality starts changing as well.

It has to be YOU. You are the only one who can ALWAYS be there for you.

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. I don’t remember who said this, but I wholeheartedly agree. People who are not afraid to unashamedly be themselves have a peace about them that is tangible, it feels calming to be in their presence. If you’re trying to flex your “self” muscles, to lean into … Continue reading It has to be YOU. You are the only one who can ALWAYS be there for you.

Being the Observer.

Imagine yourself sitting at a cafe in the corner of a bustling marketplace. As you sip on your tea or coffee, you’re taking in the sounds of vendors hawking their wares, vibrant colors assaulting your eyes, and the intoxicating scent of exotic spices fill the air. You're bombarded with a cacophony of information, yet you … Continue reading Being the Observer.

You are gaining access to a whole new level of potential!

We all have those moments where the same negative thoughts and patterns keep popping up, hindering our growth and happiness. This feeling of being trapped in a repeating cycle isn't a coincidence – our brains are wired for efficiency which means that the repetition of old conditioning uses the least energy. And so familiar patterns, … Continue reading You are gaining access to a whole new level of potential!

Just like holding a gem up to the light, you become the effortless observer of your own emotional state.

Imagine holding a precious gem up to the light. You turn it slowly, inspecting its every facet, its beauty unveiled with each new angle. This is the essence of becoming the effortless observer – a practice that empowers you to navigate your inner world and also the world around you, with newfound freedom. "In the … Continue reading Just like holding a gem up to the light, you become the effortless observer of your own emotional state.

Seeing from a higher dimension.

"The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness." - Lao Tzu From exploring Lao Tzu's work, there is always more simplicity in his message than meets the eye. What could Lau Tzu possibly have meant by a "higher dimension of consciousness"? Is he asking us to ascend to … Continue reading Seeing from a higher dimension.