Do you need to change your personality?

Do you need to change your personality? This might feel like a harsh question, almost an accusation of something being wrong with who you are. But don't dismiss it too quickly. Join me on this thought journey to see if it resonates with you: "The freedom the Buddha envisioned does not come from jettisoning imprisoning … Continue reading Do you need to change your personality?

We are social animals – our first survival instinct is to be accepted by the tribe.

We are human, and therefore we all succumb to the most basic human trait - the need to survive. Add to this the fact that we are social animals who for most of our history lived in tribes because we wouldn't survive solo, then it's real easy to see that our first survival mechanism is … Continue reading We are social animals – our first survival instinct is to be accepted by the tribe.

Hold yourself in kindness while you do the work of letting old masks go.

Which parts of your true self do you hide from the world?  As we navigate the complexities of life, it's easy to get caught up in the act of wearing masks to conceal our true selves. We may don these masks to fit in, to gain acceptance, or to protect ourselves from the harsh realities … Continue reading Hold yourself in kindness while you do the work of letting old masks go.

This kind of honesty is disarming, and invites honesty in return.

“One of the most commonly overlooked spiritual practices is daring to be completely honest with everyone you encounter. Some may say others cannot handle their honesty, but true honesty is not a strategy or a weapon of any kind. It is the willingness to be open and absolutely transparent in sharing how any moment feels … Continue reading This kind of honesty is disarming, and invites honesty in return.

The beliefs that you decide to cultivate from today, will shape your tomorrow.

The only thing holding you back, are the thoughts that you have about yourself. I want you to really get this, there is nothing else standing in your way but the way that you see yourself, however here's the real mindf#@k! The way you see yourself doesn’t even belong to you, you inherited it… all … Continue reading The beliefs that you decide to cultivate from today, will shape your tomorrow.

It will drag you for days like a broken man behind a farting camel.

Today’s conversation is about coping mechanisms, and especially the masks we find ourselves reaching for in order to feel like we're being accepted by the humans around us. A “coping mechanism” is not a moral failing, it’s just the scared part of a human trying hard to deal with what can sometimes feel like too … Continue reading It will drag you for days like a broken man behind a farting camel.

You will stand in front of anyone as an equal, and never have the need to wear a mask again.

We have all had experience in our past of being shown by people around us that "how we are" is not acceptable to them, and that we need to somehow change in order to be accepted. These experiences are what lead us to wear a mask, hiding how we really feel for the sake of … Continue reading You will stand in front of anyone as an equal, and never have the need to wear a mask again.

The wearing of masks is a tool in our survival toolkit.

Today's journey highlights one of our most fundamental survival tools, the masks we wear… From our earliest moments the world bombards us with messages about who we "should" be. Societal expectations, media portrayals, and even family dynamics can lead us to construct a series of masks – facades we wear to fit in, be accepted, … Continue reading The wearing of masks is a tool in our survival toolkit.

You’ll have plenty of critics, don’t be one of them.

Do you sometimes feel - or - have you ever felt like your self-worth fluctuates with the approval (or disapproval) of others? This is a common experience, but one that can leave us feeling insecure and unfulfilled, on a teeter-totter that hinges on the whims of the world around us. This little book, “the Boy … Continue reading You’ll have plenty of critics, don’t be one of them.

You are becoming more and more you, as the old layers of armour slowly unravel.

Could you imagine yourself peeling back layers, revealing a truer, more authentic you beneath? This is not just a handy metaphor, it's the reality of what meditation does. While we have accumulated these layers in an attempt to make ourselves more presentable, more acceptable to the world, this inauthentic self we’ve been constructing becomes our … Continue reading You are becoming more and more you, as the old layers of armour slowly unravel.