We are human, and therefore we all succumb to the most basic human trait - the need to survive. Add to this the fact that we are social animals who for most of our history lived in tribes because we wouldn't survive solo, then it's real easy to see that our first survival mechanism is … Continue reading We are social animals – our first survival instinct is to be accepted by the tribe.
Peel back the layers of everything that you are not, until you come to the deep realization of what you are…
This first quote from Swami Vivekananda can possibly be a little controversial - "The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves." - Swami Vivekananda From experience I know that this can be a touchy subject... religion... and then the suggestion that your own true nature should be your … Continue reading Peel back the layers of everything that you are not, until you come to the deep realization of what you are…
Being the Observer.
Imagine yourself sitting at a cafe in the corner of a bustling marketplace. As you sip on your tea or coffee, you’re taking in the sounds of vendors hawking their wares, vibrant colors assaulting your eyes, and the intoxicating scent of exotic spices fill the air. You're bombarded with a cacophony of information, yet you … Continue reading Being the Observer.
When you decide not to close your heart when it hurts…
“Friday I’m in love!” Every Friday morning as I sit and prepare for meditation, I have this catchy tune in my head. Do you remember the words…? “I don’t care if Monday’s blueTuesday’s gray and Wednesday tooThursday I don’t care about youIt’s Friday I’m in love” Chances are, a smile spread across your face when … Continue reading When you decide not to close your heart when it hurts…
When you surrender, you open yourself to the results that are possible from cooperation.
Today's theme is surrender. What exactly IS surrender when it's not just a pretty word that makes me sound all spiritual? How do we become really practical about the benefits of surrender? It's easy to resist the idea of surrender, because it feels like "If I surrender I'll be allowing the things around me to … Continue reading When you surrender, you open yourself to the results that are possible from cooperation.
Talking to ourselves harshly comes quite naturally, yet it seems ‘weird’ to deliberately talk to ourselves in a positive way.
Have you ever wondered how we can create a world in which people judge and criticise each other less? How do we move closer to a world in which we all allow one another to be human? That’s a tall order right? But could we at least see a starting point? How would we start … Continue reading Talking to ourselves harshly comes quite naturally, yet it seems ‘weird’ to deliberately talk to ourselves in a positive way.
There is no other spiritual teacher than your own soul.
Our teacher for this week is Swami Vivekananda, a philosopher from India who lived during the 1800's. He became known in the Western world when he travelled to the USA in 1893 to speak at the world parliament of religions as the representative of India. Hereafter he was invited to speak and teach all over … Continue reading There is no other spiritual teacher than your own soul.
Conquer yourself and the whole universe is yours.
Our teacher for this week is Swami Vivekananda, an Indian monk, philosopher and author who was instrumental in bringing Yoga to the western world. At the end of the 1800’s he extensively toured the U.S.A., England and Europe hosting hundreds of lectures and is credited with raising interfaith awareness. At the start of this new … Continue reading Conquer yourself and the whole universe is yours.
Swami Vivekananda collection
Swami Vivekananda, was an Indian monk, philosopher and author who was instrumental in bringing Yoga to the western world, and is credited with raising interfaith awareness. He became known in the Western world when he travelled to the USA in 1893 to speak at the world parliament of religions as the representative of India. Hereafter … Continue reading Swami Vivekananda collection