In the daily cacophony of life, amidst to-do lists and Instagram grids, do you ever truly step inside the orchestra of your soul? It's there, playing a melody unique to you, a masterpiece yearning to be heard. But the noise of fear, doubt, and "shoulds" often drowns it out. "Listening is required to hear your … Continue reading Unmute your inner symphony.
Where there is nothing, there can only be God.
Have you ever been able to find a profound sense of peace and tranquility amidst the chaos of life? Perhaps it was during a solitary walk in nature, a quiet moment of reflection, or a deep meditation. A moment of pure stillness where the world seems to fade away, leaving you alone with your thoughts … Continue reading Where there is nothing, there can only be God.
Don’t jump into reaction mode at the first appearance of negative energy.
The world around us is a swirling vortex of events, most of which are completely beyond our control. Yet we often find ourselves desperately trying to shape the world to our liking, it’s almost as if we think that we can grasp at the reins of a dozen wild horses and make them listen to … Continue reading Don’t jump into reaction mode at the first appearance of negative energy.
The truth of your being is that you are pure LOVE!
YOU are a portal for love to shine into this world! You have only to reach out and touch someone else's life in even the smallest way, to experience the truth of who/what you are... you are love. Underneath all of the fear response, the coping mechanisms, the old patterns - the truth of your … Continue reading The truth of your being is that you are pure LOVE!
Keep changing your inner reality and watch as your outer reality starts changing as well.
Your thoughts and beliefs are 100% responsible for the trajectory of your life. This is a reminder that YOU can take responsibility for the thoughts and beliefs that you create. And that when you have created new thoughts and beliefs, you've also created a new mind. "What you hope, you will eventually believe. What you … Continue reading Keep changing your inner reality and watch as your outer reality starts changing as well.
Too much of your present experience, is based on an old thought.
Today's meditation is called "The power of NOW". It is the same as the title of Eckhart Tolle's book which recognizes that the only place where we have true agency - the only place where we have any power to be effective at all - is in this present moment. "The point of life is … Continue reading Too much of your present experience, is based on an old thought.
Touch the ripples of life all around you.
Have you ever stopped to consider the impact you have on the world around you? It's easy to feel small in a vast universe and feel as though your presence doesn’t matter. And to add to this, we have all in the past acted from ignorance and at times caused hurt too. But the fact … Continue reading Touch the ripples of life all around you.
Creating in freedom is the true expression of your soul.
In the art gallery that life is, we are all artists, adding our own unique techniques to a collective canvas. The brushstrokes we apply, and the colours we choose are all determined by the underlying emotions that fuel our creations. Neale Donald Walsch is our teacher this week and these quotes are all taken from … Continue reading Creating in freedom is the true expression of your soul.
You will learn to trust that you always find your way back to the BEST version of you.
You will learn to trust yourself, because you will begin to understand what you really are... “There are things about ourselves that we need to get rid of; there are things we need to change. But at the same time, we do not need to be too desperate, too ruthless, too combative. Along the way … Continue reading You will learn to trust that you always find your way back to the BEST version of you.