Your soul’s desires compel you to grow.

Have you ever experienced a gnawing emptiness, a persistent void that no amount of success, possessions, or pleasures can seem to fill? You chase achievements, set ambitious goals, and celebrate victories, yet something still feels missing. It’s possible that you won’t find the answer in what you're pursuing but in what you're neglecting. Perhaps, it's … Continue reading Your soul’s desires compel you to grow.

Come and soak in the bathtub of your soul.

Our teacher this week is Eckhart Tolle, but to drive his message home today, I’ve included a thought from Alan Watts as well: "Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and listen. No more is needed." - Eckhart Tolle "You have a treasure within you that is infinitely greater than anything the … Continue reading Come and soak in the bathtub of your soul.

Unmute your inner symphony.

In the daily cacophony of life, amidst to-do lists and Instagram grids, do you ever truly step inside the orchestra of your soul? It's there, playing a melody unique to you, a masterpiece yearning to be heard. But the noise of fear, doubt, and "shoulds" often drowns it out. "Listening is required to hear your … Continue reading Unmute your inner symphony.

Don’t worry, be happy ;)

All great teachers across the ages have taught about the futility of worrying, and my favourite wisdom on the topic has been attributed to a few different people so I'll just say I don't know who it's from: "Worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum."  Even … Continue reading Don’t worry, be happy 😉

The wisdom of your soul, is the essence of who you truly are.

There is wisdom within you. We are never disconnected from the eternal presence of our soul, but it sure can feel that way. It is the loud volume of our fears that drowns out the whisper of wisdom in our soul. When we heal what has been hurt within us our fears become less loud, … Continue reading The wisdom of your soul, is the essence of who you truly are.

Today I decide that I am going to live out loud!

Today's meditation is "The Serenity Prayer" which I love for its wisdom of how to try and live our lives within the balancing act of when to accept and surrender, and also when to take action and create change. Our teacher for the week is Iyanla Vanzant, and here’s how she speaks to this age … Continue reading Today I decide that I am going to live out loud!

“Where to take action” and “where to let go” is not always easy to know.

The structure of today’s meditation follows “The Serenity Prayer”. Since I was a child this prayer has always felt really powerful to me, like a roadmap for navigating life's challenges. Almost like everything I need to know could be accessed through these three simple lines: God grant me the serenity to accept the things that … Continue reading “Where to take action” and “where to let go” is not always easy to know.

When to fold and when to fight. Where do we go for that wisdom?

"The Serenity Prayer" remains one of my favourite pieces of wisdom because of its simplicity. These three lines recognize that the things we deal with cannot be fit into simple black and white boxes. We can't base our decisions on a simplistic world view of always responding to everything in the same way. Sometimes our best … Continue reading When to fold and when to fight. Where do we go for that wisdom?

The universe buries strange jewels deep within you.

Today’s message from Elizabeth Gilbert is a reminder of the divinity that you are as a spiritual being. Have you discovered what resides within you? "'Om Namah Shivaya', meaning, I honor the divinity that resides within me." - Elizabeth Gilbert It's a powerful statement, a declaration of self-worth and a recognition of the sacredness of … Continue reading The universe buries strange jewels deep within you.

There is no other spiritual teacher than your own soul.

Our teacher for this week is Swami Vivekananda, a philosopher from India who lived during the 1800's. He became known in the Western world when he travelled to the USA in 1893 to speak at the world parliament of religions as the representative of India. Hereafter he was invited to speak and teach all over … Continue reading There is no other spiritual teacher than your own soul.

The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten that you are divine.

I believe that wisdom is to be found in our ability to balance the paradoxes of life.  The  truth is that paradoxes are everywhere, and we tend to be ill equipped to deal with this complexity of life, when we’ve been brought up with the kind of black and white thinking that wants to place … Continue reading The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten that you are divine.

Help me see where to surrender, and show me where to take action.

We live in a world that glorifies action. A "go-go-go" world where we're constantly bombarded with messages about productivity, hustle, and achieving more. To-do lists overflow, schedules are crammed, and the pressure to constantly achieve can be overwhelming. Now, of course productivity has its place, but the over-glorification of action can create an unhealthy imbalance … Continue reading Help me see where to surrender, and show me where to take action.

The space between effort and surrender.

There's a space between effort and surrender that can be a tricky piece of real estate to find. On the one side there is taking action, doing the work, getting stuff done, and it feels almost as if this is in direct opposition to the idea of taking a step back, letting go, having acceptance. … Continue reading The space between effort and surrender.

“Knowing” is the killer of consciousness.

The thirst for knowledge might be seen as the foundation of all human development. Knowledge has been revered by all cultures, past and present, with the creed of countless educational institutions based on some version of “Knowledge is Power”.  Having knowledge is of course objectively a good thing, but there are two stories to tell…   … Continue reading “Knowing” is the killer of consciousness.

When every action you take is the expression of your soul.

Can you be fully committed to taking action and also... be ready to accept and let go of anything that is not yours to control? Today’s meditation takes a look at the constant ebb and flow between action and acceptance. It often feels like life is a delicate dance between these two seemingly opposing forces. … Continue reading When every action you take is the expression of your soul.

Can you tolerate the truth of not knowing?

For survival, the human mind craves certainty. We strive to understand, categorize, and control. Our minds, desperately scratching through all of the noisiness in the world for a shred of certainty, is often the biggest source of our anxiety. Because life, in all its beautiful complexity, often presents us with the unsettling truth of not … Continue reading Can you tolerate the truth of not knowing?