
A dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought.

What resides within you? Have you journeyed to that place that is the original you? The space you were created in, the universe within, vaster than any thought. Today's meditation is a guided journey to listen to your true self, the one before the noise. "Become aware of your breathing. Notice how this takes attention … Continue reading A dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought.

If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it!

Looking at the week ahead, Monday morning starts as a reflection of what I want to create this week, and also how I want to create, how I want to show up. How I want to feel while I'm creating. I find that being serious about creating often brings our anxieties to the surface as … Continue reading If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it!

Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.

I clearly remember waking up on a Sunday morning in 2022 wanting to use Thich Nhat Hanh's work for the morning meditation. After powering up my PC I did a search on his name, and right on top of the search results was the news that Thich Nhat Hanh had just passed away. The first … Continue reading Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.

When the tea becomes real, you become real…

We are often on some kind of autopilot, going through the motions in our work, in our relationships, being more connected to the fears and insecurities in our minds than to the actual actions we're busy taking.  "First, let us light the torch of our awareness and learn again how to drink tea, eat, wash … Continue reading When the tea becomes real, you become real…

Hermann Hesse collection

Hermann Hesse was a German-Swiss poet, novelist, and essayist that was revered by the literary world. He was celebrated with international acclaim for his unique perspective on poetry. He managed to win the 1946 Nobel Prize in Literature during WWII and the reign of Hitler. At such a turbulent period in European history, his works gained a … Continue reading Hermann Hesse collection

Elizabeth Gilbert collection

Elizabeth Gilbert was born in Waterbury, Connecticut in 1969, and grew up on a small family Christmas tree farm. She attended New York University, where she studied political science by day and worked on her short stories by night. After college, she spent several years traveling around the country, working in bars, diners and ranches, … Continue reading Elizabeth Gilbert collection

Byron Katie collection

Byron Kathleen Mitchell, better known as Byron Katie (born December 6, 1942), is an American speaker and author who teaches a method of self-inquiry known as "The Work of Byron Katie" or simply as "The Work". She is the founder of Byron Katie International, an organization that includes the School for the Work and Turnaround House in Ojai, … Continue reading Byron Katie collection

Swami Vivekananda collection

Swami Vivekananda, was an Indian monk, philosopher and author who was instrumental in bringing Yoga to the western world, and is credited with raising interfaith awareness. He became known in the Western world when he travelled to the USA in 1893 to speak at the world parliament of religions as the representative of India. Hereafter … Continue reading Swami Vivekananda collection

Jeff Foster collection

Jeff Foster was born in 1980 in London, England.[1] He studied Astrophysics at Cambridge University.[1] At the time he was overwhelmed by feelings of despair and loneliness,[2] which eventually led to physical illness and a personal breakdown soon after graduation. He was convinced he was going to die.[1] Foster returned to live with his parents, reading and studying for … Continue reading Jeff Foster collection

Charles Eisenstein collection.

“We have to create miracles. A miracle is not the intercession of an external divine agency in violation of the laws of physics. A miracle is simply something that is impossible from an old story but possible from within a new one. It is an expansion of what is possible.” – Charles Eisenstein Click on the … Continue reading Charles Eisenstein collection.

Liminal space.

There is a space between “no longer” and “not yet”, the sensing that something is coming to an end without having clarity of what’s next. This can become the quicksand you lose your life in, or a powerful time of preparation. - pierre - (for more context to this quote, follow this link: )

Overcoming your inner resistance is the ACT of creating new patterns.

Our old patterns speak loudly within us. I choose the word "speak" deliberately, because so many of our patterns were created with the recording of the voices that taught us who we are. The reason you know your name is because you heard all the voices around you repeat it so many times that you … Continue reading Overcoming your inner resistance is the ACT of creating new patterns.

You are the master and your mind is the servant.

“YOU are the master and your mind is the servant”, this is not a power struggle though. Your mind’s natural place is in service of the being that you are unless… unless your mind has never gotten to know your ‘being’. If your mind doesn’t recognize the soul that you are then it believes that … Continue reading You are the master and your mind is the servant.

I know this is tough baby, but we ARE doing this.

Whether it's your mental health, your career, eating better, working out and even your relationships... it's the work you do while the scared human in you shouts "NO!" that makes all the difference. Don't confuse this with punishing yourself though. You can be gentle with yourself while you say, "I know this is tough baby, … Continue reading I know this is tough baby, but we ARE doing this.

Don’t get trapped in an inner civil war.

It’s natural for any of us to look at our own“worst” qualities and want those to change,but attacking ourselves means that weengage in an inner war. And while this mightseem to create the behaviour change that wewant, it also creates an inner civil-war thatcould last forever. - pierre - (For more context on this quote … Continue reading Don’t get trapped in an inner civil war.

Every act of love brings happiness, so always choose to be love.

This is the most basic truth… every act of love brings happiness, so always choose to be love. Live with your heart wide open because you deserve to experience the peace that comes with being the embodiment of love. This doesn’t mean that it won’t sometimes hurt. But when you decide not to close your heart when it hurts… when … Continue reading Every act of love brings happiness, so always choose to be love.

Meditation is not a practice of trying to escape, it is the exact opposite.

Meditation is not a practice of trying to escape, it is the exact opposite. A leaning in, paying precise attention to what is there. As we become better at paying attention, we start seeing with more clarity what is temporary, what comes and also always goes.  As we become better at recognizing what is temporary, … Continue reading Meditation is not a practice of trying to escape, it is the exact opposite.