I am the eternal constant that can hold it all, without being victim to any of it.

Take a moment to create in your mind the image of a majestic mountain towering over the landscape around it. See it standing resolute against the ever-changing elements. This mountain, battered yet unyielding, represents an essential truth about ourselves: we ourselves possess an eternal constant within, capable of holding all of life's experiences without becoming … Continue reading I am the eternal constant that can hold it all, without being victim to any of it.

When I can experience the reaction in my body without being overwhelmed, this is when I do have a choice over how I want to respond.

Have you paid attention to the moments when you go through life on autopilot, living through life's challenges by a series of knee-jerk reactions? As if an invisible force takes over, dictating your responses and leaving you feeling powerless. Whatever is on autopilot is in survival mode, and in survival mode we are under the … Continue reading When I can experience the reaction in my body without being overwhelmed, this is when I do have a choice over how I want to respond.

Meet every moment with full awareness.

With the week ahead of you, how do you want to show up to the challenges that this week brings? While some of the challenges we face come towards us from the outside, we all experience internal obstacles from time to time too. Looking at the week ahead, you might have an idea of the … Continue reading Meet every moment with full awareness.