Find the LIFE inside of you right now! Life is not something that’s waiting to happen.

Life. It’s a word we throw around so casually, yet it often feels like we don’t quite know what to even do with it. It seems like “life” often becomes something we chase after. Some future destination that we believe will somehow be “better” than right now, instead of the vibrant tapestry we are weaving from moment to moment.

Life. Why do we postpone experiencing it in all its richness?

“Why does it often take extreme life situations to bring back an awareness of the magic and mystery of life? Why do we often wait until we’re about to die before discovering a deep gratitude for life as it is? Why do we exhaust ourselves seeking love, acceptance, fame. success, or spiritual enlightenment in the future? Why do we work or meditate ourselves into the grave? Why do we postpone life? Why do we hold back from it? What are we looking for exactly? What are we waiting for? What are we afraid of? Will the life we long for really come in the future? Or is it always closer than that?” – Jeff Foster

“This moment is not life waiting to happen, goals waiting to be achieved, words waiting to be spoken, connections waiting to be made, regrets waiting to evaporate, aliveness waiting to be felt, enlightenment waiting to be gained. No. Nothing is waiting. This is it. This moment is life.” – Jeff Foster 

“Life is just a constant invitation to find out how vast you are.” – Jeff Foster

Because of our minds’ tendency to dwell on old wounds from the past or fret over fears about the future, we need to spend some time training our brains to pay attention to what is happening right here, right now where the actions we take, can have a real effect.     

Today’s meditation journey is just this… can you just connect with this moment? Can you connect with your body in this moment? This is not an attempt at escaping from the world around us but a reminder to our brain and body to remain involved in what this very moment asks us to take action on. Because right here is where life is happening! 

A few thoughts to help you ponder your ability to be present:

  • “This is it. This moment is life.” Repeat this to yourself throughout the day as a reminder to appreciate the present.
  • “What is happening right now?” Ask yourself this question regularly to shift your attention from mental chatter to your immediate experience.
  • “I am alive.” Feel the truth of this statement in your body. Breathe deeply and savor the gift of being right here, right now.

Life is an invitation to explore the depths of your human experience. Don’t wait for the magic to begin, you ARE magic, so come alive right now! Magic is already happening, waiting to be discovered in the precious present moment.

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: Come to your senses.