Every path is a journey to God.

Hello heart whisperers.

For today’s silent meditation I couldn’t find any content from Jeff Brown that particularly speaks to silence or meditation, so I thought I’d share some of his work that most resonated with me this week. And what particularly struck me, was some of his content on love and relationships.

I often get asked some variation of this question, “why do I keep attracting the ‘wrong’ kind of partners?” 

We often do have work to do in this area of our lives, because it’s easy to fall into the trap of repeating the same old patterns in our relationships again and again. But even when we do our “work” and we free ourselves from old programming, we’re still likely to meet people who are not a good fit for us as a partner, and we won’t know, until we’ve walked with them for a while. Jeff Brown’s thoughts for today’s message is about how we walk on this journey, sharing our space with other humans while we get to know them. 

Am I using this time of getting to know someone else, to also learn about myself? Am I learning from this experience what my relationship is with the divine? Am I actually taking in the lessons that this person is bringing, or am I clinging to the image of who I really want them to be?

“When you see a new trail, or a footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.” – SIOUX PROVERB. – Jeff Brown

So to follow that, here are a few more thoughts on relationships and love: 

“Relationship is always a spiritual practice, even when we imagine it otherwise.” – Jeff Brown.

“Every path is a journey to God. We just have to remember to open our heart again and again…” – Jeff Brown

“Love doesn’t fail us, it’s our expectations that fail us. Lovers sometimes forget that the gift is the call to love itself, and not the result. The quickening, the deepening, the merging, the burning bright in love’s cosmic kiln. That’s the great gift, no matter where it leads.” – Jeff Brown

“If we age honestly, we become love. As the body weakens, love surges through us, longing to be released, longing to be lived. With no time left to not love, we seek authentic embrace everywhere. Our deft avoidance manoeuvres convert into directness. Our armored hearts melt into pools of eternal longing. This is why we should look forward to aging. Finally, after all the masks and disguises fall away, we are left with love alone. God waits for us on the bridge between our hearts.” – Jeff Brown

“It goes to show you. You can look for relationship but you can’t look for love.” – Jeff Brown

“However love arrives at your door, it is always a brave path.” – Jeff Brown

This is really ancient wisdom, whether from the Vedas, Lao Tzu, Rumi or countless more – love is not something you can search for and find. Love is something that you are, but if you don’t like yourself much, love seems to always be out of your reach. 

The journey to you, takes real courage. Walking the path home will bring you up against every single one of your long held fears and you’ll have to overcome them one by one before you find yourself standing in front of your own door.

Please join us for today’s silent meditation. There is nothing like a regular practice of silence to help remind you of the love that you already are.   

Here are a few thoughts to digest on your own journey with love:

  • Be open to new connections. We don’t know where a new path leads, without walking down it for a while.
  • Every relationship is a spiritual practice. How can I show up as love in my interactions today?
  • Focus on the present call of love, not the desired outcome. Where am I holding back love, out of fear or past experiences?
  • Embrace the process of aging. It can be a beautiful journey of shedding masks and embracing vulnerability.
  • Love resides within you. Can I extend the same compassion I offer others to myself?

Remember, love is not the destination, it is the path you choose to walk on. And if you walk the path of love, you’ll always find yourself back at your own front door, being welcomed in the open arms of the divine.

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: Finding silence.