You were born with wings… why crawl?

Have you ever felt a flicker of something extraordinary within you, a tiny spark waiting to ignite? Perhaps it’s a dream you haven’t dared to chase, a talent yearning to be explored, or a deep well of potential untapped. The 13th-century poet Rumi captures this beautifully:

“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. 

There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.

You feel it, don’t you.” – Rumi

But sometimes, fear, self-doubt, and negativity can dim that inner light and clip our metaphorical wings.  Rumi reminds us:

“You were born with potential.

You were born with goodness and trust.

You were born with ideals and dreams.

You were born with greatness.

You were born with wings!

You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.

You have wings, learn to use them and fly!” 

– Rumi

So, how do we fan the flames of our potential and take flight?

  1. Recognize the voice of the Inner Critic:  The first step is acknowledging the forces that stifle our growth. Often, the biggest obstacle is ourselves. We become our own worst critics, dwelling on past mistakes and engaging in negative self-talk. Remember, the voice inside you that judges and belittles is not your true self. It’s an old recording, a voice fueled by fear, not helpful guidance.
  2. Embrace mistakes as stepping stones: We all make mistakes. Inevitably, we might even repeat the same ones. But dwelling on them or using them as weapons of self-punishment only holds us back. Mistakes are lessons, opportunities to learn and grow. Treat yourself with the same compassion you’d offer a friend in a similar situation.
  3. Speak in the voice of wisdom: Rumi offers a powerful tool for navigating communication:

Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates. At the first gate, ask yourself “Is it True?”. At the second gate ask “Is it necessary?”. At the third gate ask “Is it Kind?” – Rumi

This wisdom applies not just to how we interact with others, but also to our internal dialogue. Choose words of encouragement and support when speaking to yourself. Foster a sense of self-compassion, even when you stumble. In fact, speak to yourself with kindness ESPECIALLY when your “worst” self shows up. You’ll find it fuels your fire and empowers you to soar.

“Do not speak badly of yourself. For the warrior within hears your words and is lessened by them.” – David Gemmell

Mantras to take flight:

  • “I am worthy of my dreams.” Repeat this affirmation daily to cultivate self-belief.
  • “I learn from my mistakes, and I move on.” Let go of the burden of past missteps and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.
  • “I choose kindness in my thoughts and actions, especially toward myself.” Self-compassion is the foundation for growth and courage.
  • “I am limitless; my potential is boundless.” Remember the vastness of your potential and embrace the journey of discovery.

This week, take a conscious effort to identify what dims your inner light and clips your wings. Practice self-compassion, and replace self-criticism with affirmations of worth and possibility. Remember, you were born to fly. Now, spread your wings and take to the sky!

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: You are limitless.

(image credit: Kevin Carden )