When you realize your own magnificence, you will only attract magnificence into your life.

Welcome to a new week! 

Our teacher for this week is Anita Moorjani whose really powerful story goes like this:

“In 2006, after a four-year battle with cancer, I fell into a coma and was given just hours to live. As my doctors gathered to revive me, I journeyed into a near-death experience (NDE) where I was given the choice to return to my physical form or to continue into this new realm. I chose the former, and when I regained consciousness, my cancer began to heal. 

The profound realisation I made while looking at my body lying there with doctors scurrying around me, is that I really never loved myself, and that this needs to change.

To the amazement of my doctors, I was free of countless tumours and cancer indicators within weeks. Since then, I’ve heeded the call to share this powerful story – and divine lesson – with the world.”

Looking into our own week ahead, we take inspiration from Anita’s words:

“The more you believe it, the more it starts to become real for you. This is why it is so very important to believe in positive things, rather than negative things. Whatever you believe, you will find that you are correct. The universe has a way of presenting to you exactly what you believe. If you think life is great, you are correct. If you think life is tough, you will be proved correct too.” – Anita Moorjani

“We don’t realise that we are actually perfect just the way we are. We are born perfect, but spend a lifetime trying to be something we are not, and then feel inadequate for failing. Your only purpose is to BE YOURSELF, otherwise you will deprive the universe of who you came here to be.” – Anita Moorjani

“When you realise your own magnificence, you will only attract magnificence into your life.” – Anita Moorjani

What you believe, completely controls your reality. If you think life is great, you are correct. But if you think life is tough you’ll be proved correct too. And the foundation that  all these beliefs are built on, is what you believe about you… what you see and feel when you look at YOU.

At the start of the week we’re taking a moment to look into the week ahead and set an intention for what we want to create. Today we’ll also set an intention for how we want to see ourselves this week, because when you change the way you see yourself – everything changes.

You were born a perfect being, you don’t have to spend your life trying to prove that you’re perfect. Your magnificence doesn’t lie in never making mistakes but in being the strong arms that picks yourself up and holds you when you fall. In being the gentle voice that speaks to you when you’re feeling low. And in tucking yourself in at bedtime and reminding yourself that, “hey… I see that you are doing your best.”

When you realise your own magnificence, you’ll start surrounding yourself with humans who see it too. Because they have also developed the gentle strength that picks up, and holds, and whispers, “I know you can do this, but take all the time that you need.” And THAT is pure perfection!

A few affirmations to make your own this week:

  • “I am grateful for who I am.”
  • “I believe in my own potential.”
  • “I choose to focus on the positive.”
  • “I am capable of achieving my goals.”
  • “I am a magnificent being, deserving of happiness and fulfilment.”

Remember, you are a perfect being. You do not have to prove your worth. Your magnificence lies in your ability to rise above challenges, to be kind to yourself, and to believe in your potential. When you embrace your inner magnificence, you create a reality that is filled with love, joy, and fulfilment.

Have a great week, magnificent being!

– pierre –
Today’s LIVE meditation is: Jumpstart the week!