The level of consciousness you tune-in to, determines your experience of the world.

Imagine life as a giant radio dial, buzzing with frequencies. Each station offers a unique experience, a specific lens through which you perceive the world. But unlike a physical dial, you have the power to choose your vibration – to tune into a consciousness that shapes your reality in remarkable ways.

Think about it. When you’re stressed, anxious, or judgmental, the world seems harsh and unforgiving. But shift your perspective, “look through divine eyes,” as Debbie Ford suggests, and suddenly, compassion blossoms, opportunities emerge, and the universe feels like a benevolent force.

This isn’t just woo-woo philosophy; it’s a fundamental truth. Imagine the difference between approaching life with fear and suspicion versus radiating love and compassion. The world reflects back what we project outwards.

But how do we access this higher consciousness? As always, the answer lies within you:

“Remember, all the answers you need are inside of you; you only have to become quiet enough to hear them.” – Debbie Ford

“The level of consciousness you choose to tune-in to each day will determine the quality of your experience of the world.” – Debbie Ford

“We’ve all had at least a fleeting experience of a deep connection with the Divine in a meditation, in a moment of realization, or at a time when we felt blessed by the universe because everything was going our way. When we look through divine eyes, there is no judgment, no need to be righteous or to make ourselves wrong.” – Debbie Ford

You are not the thinker… you are what is beneath the thoughts. Your true essence lies beyond the incessant chatter of your mind.

The more time you spend in deliberate silence allowing your brain to produce thoughts without getting involved with the thoughts, the more you’ll find yourself slipping below the surface of thinking into the truth of what you are. Slipping into a space where the loudest experience is being in the presence of God.

Guiding mantras for your transformation:

  • I choose to tune into a consciousness of peace and love.
  • Silence is my doorway to inner wisdom.
  • Every day, I connect with the Divine within me.
  • My thoughts don’t define me; my true essence lies beyond.
  • With each breath, I choose joy, gratitude, and transformation.

The level of consciousness you tune into will determine your experience of the world or to put it a different way… you will meet the world only to the extent that you have met yourself. And your deepest experience of yourself could be either the loud voices of fear in your mind, or your deepest sense of self could be the sense of peace in your being.

Have a beautiful Sunday.

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: Finding silence.