The greatest truths of the Universe lie deep within us.

Anita Moorjani has been our teacher this week and I hope you’ll do yourself the favour of searching her name on YouTube and listening to some interviews with her. 

She reminds us that we are not defined by our bodies, our accomplishments, or our possessions. Instead, we are interconnected with all of existence. This realization can be liberating, as it frees us from the limitations of our ego and allows us to embrace our true nature as infinite and divine beings.

Here are some of her thoughts that lead us into today’s meditation:

“I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don’t lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can’t understand what is without.” – Anita Moorjani

“The universe is contained within us, and what we experience externally is only a reflection of that.” – Anita Moorjani

“We are not these bodies; we’re neither our accomplishments nor our possessions – we are all one with the Source of all being, which is God.” – Anita Moorjani

“In truth, I’m not my body, my race, religion, or other beliefs, and neither is anyone else. The real self is infinite and much more powerful – a complete and whole entity that isn’t broken or damaged in any way. The infinite me already contains all the resources I need to navigate through life, because I’m One with Universal energy. In fact, I am Universal energy.” – Anita Moorjani

While it can sometimes feel like our bodies have gone through so much, and that we carry the scars of the battles we’ve lived through – in Anita’s words, “the real self is infinite and much more powerful – a complete and whole entity that is not broken or damaged in any way.”

Your SOUL does not walk around in pain thinking about all the trauma that has happened, and while we should certainly not ignore the body and its scars, we have the freedom to choose where to find our identity – Am I identified with the body and all of its wounding, or am I being the expression of this SOUL?

It’s not an either/or situation, you do need to take care of your body. Love this body that has been fighting for each breath you take with every beat of your beautiful heart, and carries the scars to prove it. And then also do the “work” which leads to that deep surrender where it’s clear that who you are is this SOUL. That you ARE the universe expressing its SELF! 

We are one with the source of all being, which is God. We are one with universal energy. In fact we ARE universal energy and the surest way to develop that connection more deeply, is with a regular practice of silence. By regularly engaging in meditation or contemplative practices, we can slow down the mind and tune into the inner wisdom that resides within.

Mantras for embodying your divine self:

  • “I am more than my body. I am an infinite being.”
  • “The universe is contained within me.”
  • “I choose to embrace my infinite potential.”
  • “Through silence, I connect with the divine within.”

So join us in today’s silent journey. Let’s fall into the depths of our being and discover the universe that resides within. By embracing the truths that lie deep within our hearts, we can unlock our true potential and live a life of meaning and purpose.

Have a beautiful Sunday.

Today’s LIVE meditation is: Finding silence.