Responding to a sick society.

Today’s meditation journey takes a look at the world around us with a slight pause to recognize what society has created… "If being appropriate means conforming to a deeply pathological society, then be wildly inappropriate. If finally seeing the oppressive suffering of others is painful, then endure the pain. If you want freedom from denial … Continue reading Responding to a sick society.

Peace knows where you live, but it will only find you there if you make sure that you are in fact home.

Sunday meditations are an opportunity to come together, simply to sit in silence together. Jaya John's work doesn't speak much about meditation or silence, but this quote pointed right in the direction of finding this kind of silence that we can call home: "Peace knows your address. Make sure that you are home. Be present … Continue reading Peace knows where you live, but it will only find you there if you make sure that you are in fact home.

Do your best! But stop trying so damn hard…

It is at the bottom of your softness that you will discover your deepest strength. Before you start reading, maybe take a few breaths first. Make it real slow, slowly in, and slowly out. With every exhale think, "softness..." as you breathe out, soften your body, feel yourself melt, surrender... “Fear and pain may not … Continue reading Do your best! But stop trying so damn hard…

There’s an “IS”-ness about the way that love operates that we can learn to trust and surrender to.

On this Friday of love, here's Jaiya John's take on the subject: "Your own love heals you." - Jaiya John "She wrote a Love letter to herself every day. That's how she got through it." - Jaiya John Learning how to really love YOU causes you to live in a different state, in a different … Continue reading There’s an “IS”-ness about the way that love operates that we can learn to trust and surrender to.

Don’t observe the revolution, BE the revolution!

Have you ever felt the warmth of the sun on your skin after a long, cold night? That's the kind of energy Jaiya John urges us to bring to the world. In today's message, he urges us to remember who we are: luminous beings radiating our own unique light. John's message is a call to … Continue reading Don’t observe the revolution, BE the revolution!

All the world’s wonder is a song. The notes and the singer are YOU!

Being human, we have an ever changing flow in our emotional landscape. The thoughts we think and the emotions we feel flow in and out very much like clouds in the sky. Yet, often we view our emotions with apprehension, fearing the discomfort they might bring.  Jaiya John reminds us today that by acknowledging and … Continue reading All the world’s wonder is a song. The notes and the singer are YOU!

All are welcome here, none will be left behind.

Our teacher this week is Jaiya John, and it always amazes me how I can fall deeply in love with his work again and again after I've been away from it for a while. "Your life is three truths: How you treat others. How you treat yourself. And how you allow yourself to be treated." … Continue reading All are welcome here, none will be left behind.

Ask yourself this week, “What am I watering?”

The message for this week is in water, and it comes from the pen of Jaiya John: Be deliberate about where you pour your water this week... "Water will show you what freedom is. Try to destroy it and it changes form but retains its essence. Swallow it and you become it. Bottle it and … Continue reading Ask yourself this week, “What am I watering?”