There’s a profound truth nestled within the simple phrase, “I am human only because you are human too.” This sentiment is the foundation of today’s meditation.
There is a felt connection we can experience with the humans in our circle when we let go of the sense of safety we think we gain from our tight grip on control, or the protection we think we get from being cynical and judgmental.
Think about the people closest to you. Do you feel safe enough to shed your armor and express your deepest emotions? Vulnerability isn’t weakness; it’s the bridge that allows us to truly connect. We often cling to control or cynicism, mistaking them for safety nets. But these walls only isolate us, hindering the very love and support we crave.
The highest form of showing love is allowing someone to express exactly how they feel without question, and we can become better at cultivating this in, and for the people around us.
“Love is the felt experience of connection to another being. The economist says ‘more for you, means less for me.’ But the lover knows that more for you is more for me too.” – Charles Eisenstein
“Each experience of love nudges us toward the Story of Interbeing, because it only fits into that story and love defies the logic of Separation.” – Charles Eisenstein
“The state of inter-being is a vulnerable state. It is the vulnerability of the naive altruist, of the trusting lover, of the unguarded sharer. To enter it, one must leave behind the seeming shelter of a control-based life, protected by walls of cynicism, judgement, and blame.” – Charles Eisenstein
“Enlightenment is a group activity.” – Charles Eisenstein
We are social creatures, wired for connection. Our sense of self thrives when we share experiences, vulnerabilities, and love with others.
Our fear of being judged by one another (and by ourselves) is what keeps us closed and guarded and robs us of the “inter-being” which is available to each of us when we allow ourselves to be fully seen.
We are not full participants in this human journey until we can experience each other without fear. The message is as always… learn to love yourself so hard that the fear of rejection loses its power. Then you can show up and share your “being” with the world without being scared of how you will be received.
Remember these mantras as you work your way to deeper connection:
- I am worthy of love and connection, just as I am.
- Vulnerability is not weakness, it is the foundation of true intimacy.
- The more I open myself to others, the richer my own experience of life becomes.
- We are all on this human journey together. Let’s embrace our shared humanity.
If I were the only human on this planet, my humanity would mean nothing. I am human only because you are human too, and this only works when we do it together.
Have a beautiful Friday!
– pierre –
Today’s LIVE meditation is: Sharing love.