Finding clarity before taking action.

The theme of today’s meditation is surrender, a word that can easily be misunderstood. Surrender doesn’t mean giving up, throwing in the towel, or resigning ourselves to fate – it’s a powerful shift in perspective, a letting go that creates space for something new to emerge.

Think of it like learning to swim. You can’t fight the water, you can’t force it to do what you want, and you don’t learn to swim by grabbing onto the water. The key is to surrender your body to the water, to trust that it is there to hold you, to find a rhythm with its flow. This is where empowered action begins – not from a place of frantic control, but from a place of calm cooperation.

Surrender may sound like giving up, like it’s the end of the road, but please give it a try – because surrender really is a new beginning.

“Mindfulness allows us to watch our thoughts, see how one thought leads to the next, decide if we’re heading down an unhealthy path, and, if so, let go and change directions.” – Sharon Salzberg

“Meditation has made me happy, loving, and peaceful – but not every single moment of the day. I still have good times and bad, joy and sorrow. Now I can accept setbacks more easily, with less sense of disappointment and personal failure, because meditation has taught me how to cope with the profound truth that everything changes all the time.” – Sharon Salzberg

“In those moments when we realize how much we cannot control, we can learn to let go.” – Sharon Salzberg

Surrender is about stepping out of the fear that keeps us splashing. It’s about creating space for a new perspective, a clearer vision to emerge. When we are able to really see ourselves in the absence of fear, we recognize patterns in our thought processes, identify limiting beliefs, and ultimately, make choices that are aligned with our authentic selves.

Surrender leads to clarity. It leads to seeing, and when we actually see it is so much easier to know what to take action on.

Here are a few guiding mantras to help you on your journey to clarity through surrender:

  • Release the need to control. The universe has a plan, even if we can’t always see it. Trust that things will unfold as they should.
  • Observe your thoughts without judgment. Don’t get caught up in the mental chatter. Simply observe and love the human with this busy brain.
  • Be present in the moment. What does this moment ask of you?
  • Embrace the unknown. Letting go of control allows for new and exciting possibilities to emerge.

How to surrender you ask? Learning this may be the journey of a lifetime, but here’s a start – join us for this meditation and see if it creates any more clarity for you.

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: Surrender.