In the inner sanctuary of our minds, a profound transformation unfolds. Meditation, often misunderstood as a mere relaxation technique, is a powerful tool that can unlock the depths of our souls. It’s a journey inward, a pilgrimage to the sacred space within.
Renae Sauter, offers a beautiful perspective on the transformative power of meditation. She invites us to embrace emptiness as a divine canvas for our souls to paint upon. By getting beyond the ceaseless chatter of our minds, we create space for the divine to fill us with its love, wisdom, and peace.
“Don’t be afraid of emptiness. Emptiness is divine. Let the divine fill up the space in a way that’s really right for you.” – Renae Sauter
“A regular meditation practice is one of the highest forms of self love.” – Renae Sauter
“Each day I make time to connect to my inner being. Doing so, makes navigating through life so much easier.” – Renae Sauter
“People who have stepped fully into their power know they don’t have to push or force things; they know that real power comes from surrender.” – Renae Sauter
“Stillness is always waiting for you to reconnect to it; to know the truth once again.” – Renae Sauter
“Being human is a portal into your divinity.” – Renae Sauter
“At some point on the spiritual journey, saying “I am human” stops being an apology and turns into a deep reverence and knowing.” – Renae Sauter
A regular meditation practice is an act of self-love, bridging the divide between soul and human experience. As we connect with our true selves, we learn to navigate the complexities of life with greater ease and grace. We learn to trust the flow of the universe, releasing the need to control and manipulate outcomes.
To be human is to be divine. It’s a privilege, not a burden. By embracing our humanity, we embrace our divinity. Let us honor this sacred journey, this precious gift of life, by surrendering to its beauty, its challenges, and its ultimate purpose.
Having this human experience is what your soul surrendered to, so embrace your humanness! Deeply surrendering to this human experience is where you’ll find your soul.
A few questions to open up to this human experience:
- What does it mean to truly surrender to the present moment?
- In what areas of my life am I holding on too tightly to control?
- How can I incorporate more stillness and silence into my daily life?
- What fears or attachments are holding me back from surrendering?
Stillness, often overlooked in our fast-paced world, is a precious gift. It’s a sanctuary where we can reconnect with our inner truth and rediscover our divine nature. In the quietude of our hearts, we find the answers we seek, the peace we crave, and the love we yearn for.
Have a beautiful Sunday peeps!
– pierre –
Today’s LIVE meditation is: Finding silence.