Life, in its infinite wisdom, often presents us with challenges that test our resilience and push us to our limits. These challenges, though often painful, are opportunities for growth and transformation.
“As events beyond my control unfold. I go within to find peace.” – Renae Sauter
“If you truly want the Universe to support you in becoming all you can be; be prepared for having any false supports removed from your life; leaving you standing as the warrior that you are.” – Renae Sauter
“Instead of barricading against change, lean in and allow it.” – Renae Sauter
“No one knows while experiencing their darkest hour that some day they may use that very experience to illuminate the ways for others. Nothing is ever wasted.” – Renae Sauter
“False supports removed”… “don’t barricade, lean in and allow”… “experiencing your darkest hour”…
… of course all of these can be learning experiences but what do all these things feel like in the moments that they’re actually busy happening?
…what you thought was true, turns out to be false…
…change stripping away everything that was familiar to you…
…being neck deep in your own dark night of the soul…
It’s so easy to have these experiences and remember only pain, emerging with a victim-hood that is stronger than ever before, when it feels like the only lesson is that “the world is not safe and I have to run/fight/hide.”
How do we have these experiences and emerge stronger? How do we turn wounds into wisdom? She gave the answer in the very first quote – go within…
There is a mountain within you that is immovable. It is that place of wisdom to which you can retreat and find that even in the middle of the worst storm your “being” is a place of safety, and from here you can take a little bit of time to witness… be with this… sit with this… and see what is really there… what is it that is really happening, and how does my soul feel about this?
Your soul is timeless and not threatened by the momentary fears of your human body. It’s the place where you’ll find refuge and while you rest you’ll be shown with clarity what the next step is to take.
A few thoughts to reflect on while you journey within:
- Embrace the Unknown: Step into the void with courage and curiosity.
- Cultivate Inner Peace: Find solace in the stillness of your own being.
- Let Go of Control: Surrender to the flow of life.
- Practice Gratitude: Focus on the blessings in your life.
- Believe in Yourself: Trust in the innate wisdom and strength of your being.
Finding your inner mountain in the midst of the storm is something you can practice, and everything we practice we become better at. Come and join us for a practice session. Come and find the mountain in you!
– pierre –
Today’s LIVE meditation is: I am the mountain.