In today’s today’s meditation we journey together into the transformative process of self-discovery, guided by the wisdom of five powerful quotes that illuminate a path to understanding, and inner peace. What story do these quotes tell? Together, they form a roadmap to silence, urging us to turn inward and find within ourselves the answers we seek.
“You have the answer, just get quiet enough to hear it.” – Pat Obuchowski
“To be aware of your Soul, is to be aware of God.” – Nitin Namdeo
“When there is nowhere else to turn, turn inward. Enter into the sacred silence of your soul and ask for healing, guidance and personal peace.” – Michael Bovenes
“To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.” – Deepak Chopra
“Satsang is the invitation to step into the fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will burn only what you are not.” – Mooji
What is the message that all of this beautiful wisdom speaks to you?
All of these quotes lead us to silence, to the idea that you are able to discover within yourself everything that you might have ever searched for. But then Deepak Chopra mentions that this is a process that most people are afraid of.
Why is that?
From the day that we are born, we have an almost daily encounter with things in our environment that scare us. This is of course normal for any organism, so just like every other organism, our human body and brain was designed to find the shortest route to survival.
But unique to the human condition is that so many of the fears we face are not about things that are actually going to kill us, even though our bodies react to these fears with the same chemical reactions as the fear of death. So it would be even more accurate to say that human bodies and brains are wired to find the shortest route to a “sense of being able to cope”, and from our youngest years this sets off the accumulation of layers and layers of fear and coping mechanisms and “armour” in order to deal with what can sometimes feel like quite a harsh environment.
So back to the question of why someone would experience this process of self discovery as scary?
When we turn inward in a desperate attempt to find “something”, we discover that we are not instantly delivered right into the presence of “the divine” as we had hoped, but that what we encounter first are the accumulated layers of fear, and coping mechanisms and armour against all the things that scare us.
What we encounter first is not the truth of who we are, instead we come face to face with who we’ve been trying to be in an effort to survive in this crazy world. What we encounter first is everything that we are not.
And this is why Mooji says, “yes this will be scary. It will feel like stepping into the fire, but you have to trust that the fire of self discovery will not burn YOU while it burns away everything that you thought you were.”
It’s easy to see how this can be a scary process right? But do you understand just what you’ll be left with once you’ve worked your way through everything that you’re not?
A return to your original being. To who you were before the world taught you who you should be. You have the answer, just get quiet enough to hear it. To be aware of your Soul, is to be aware of God. When there is nowhere else to turn, turn inward into the sacred silence of your soul and ask for healing, guidance and personal peace.
A few guiding thoughts to reflect upon:
- Embrace the Silence: Cultivate stillness within through meditation, mindful breathing, or simply spending time in nature.
- Question Your Assumptions: Challenge your beliefs and assumptions. Are they truly your own, or have they been imposed upon you?
- Embrace Vulnerability: Allow yourself to feel your emotions fully, without judgment or resistance.
- Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout this journey. Acknowledge your progress and celebrate your successes, however small.
- Trust the Process: The journey of self-discovery is not linear. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way. Trust that you are on the right path.
Ultimately, the journey of self-discovery is a return to our original state of being, a reconnection with the authentic self that existed before the world imposed its limitations upon us.
Trust the fire of self-discovery to transform you. It is a journey of liberation, a shedding of the burdens you have carried for far too long.
– pierre –
Today’s LIVE meditation is: Finding silence.