You were created to create.
Look at the natural world around you, every flower, every animal, every tree. See how every expression is an act of creation. Why would you be any different?
Every one of your expressions is an act of creation too, but the difference between you and the flower is that your ability to express has no limits!
For the flower this one expression is it… but it doesn’t matter because by showing up and being its true self, it is of service to the world around it.
And the same is true for you.
By truly being you, and doubling down on the you that you really are, without perhaps realizing it you will serve and shape and support the life all around you. But you have the limitless freedom to experiment and play with endless ways of creating, until you have found the expressions that make you the MOST you. So try them all!
“Life is wide, limitless. There is no border, no frontier.” – Bruce Lee
“The limitations that you embrace, they become your life. Choose to be limitless.” – Jo Anna Starr
“You become limitless when you overcome what has held you back.” -Lorii Myers
“Once you Become Fearless – Life Becomes Limitless.” – Unknown
We are often the ones limiting ourselves, confining our potential to a narrow box of expectations and self-doubt. Yet, within each of us lies a boundless universe of creativity, waiting to be explored. Today, let’s embark on a journey to unlock that limitless potential and embrace our true nature as creators.
There are ways in which you can create, that you haven’t even discovered yet! Embrace your limitless nature.
Guiding mantras for self-reflection:
- I am a fearless creator, and my potential is boundless.
- Each day is an opportunity to express my authentic self.
- The limits I release become the freedoms I gain.
- I embrace fear as a signpost for growth.
- By being true to myself, I serve the world around me.
Take these mantras into your daily life. Let them guide you as you explore the vast, limitless landscape of your potential. Remember, life is not a destination but a journey of creation and self-discovery. Now go, and create something extraordinary.
– pierre –
Today’s LIVE meditation is: You are limitless!