Come and soak in the bathtub of your soul.

Our teacher this week is Eckhart Tolle, but to drive his message home today, I’ve included a thought from Alan Watts as well:

“Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and listen. No more is needed.” – Eckhart Tolle

“You have a treasure within you that is infinitely greater than anything the world can offer.” – Eckhart Tolle

“To really do nothing, with perfection, is as difficult as doing everything.” – Alan Watts

Doing nothing? Being still? No more is needed?

Years ago this confused me and sounded quite unproductive. It sounded too much like an attempt to escape reality and run away from responsibilities. And the truth is that when people first start out with meditation and/or any inner journey, it often is an attempt to escape… escape the insane pressure of trying to be a responsible adult human. While no matter how hard you try to really show up, it feels as though the only effect you’re having is to dig deeper into the hole you’re already standing in.

The initial release of pressure by turning away from “the world” and becoming still can feel quite soothing temporarily, but it doesn’t change the reality of what you have to face when you get up from your meditation does it? The escape is always only a temporary reprieve. No matter what modality you choose as your escape – you can run, but you really cannot hide. 

You are here in this world right now, and the only sustainable solution is to find a new way in which to stand and face the world around you without the need to run. A new way to see yourself in this world.

And this is the truth that I have found in all of the quotes above – 

The wisdom that comes from the ability to be still. Discovering inside of that stillness the truth of what really is inside of you. Blessing your brain and body with moments of real presence to do nothing, with perfection. 

It takes time, but what you’re doing in a practice of stillness is you are soaking. You’re allowing your mind to soak in the bathtub of your soul. And sure, you have to keep jumping out and go play human too, but come back often. Don’t wait too long. Within this soaking there is a softening happening. A separation of old, hard layers that were never the real you. And an absorbing too… absorbing the truth of who you are until this knowing has soaked all the way into your bones! With these new bones you will stand differently in this world. With no need to run and hide because you will really see YOU. And when you see yourself differently, you will speak to yourself differently, and also to everyone around you.

This new view is called clarity and has shown me how wrong I was years ago. This journey is THE most productive thing that you can do because your clarity will show you exactly where to apply your energy and where to remove your attention and take a step back.

It was never about just doing nothing but about finding the “wisdom to know the difference”, to know when to be still, go within, take your foot off the accelerator… and when to rise, when to take the next bold step forward, jamming the pedal down hard on the floorboards!

Guiding mantras:

  • Stillness isn’t escape; it’s discovery.
  • Clarity shows you where the next step is.
  • Be still, and know…

Today’s meditation is all about cultivating your ability to listen to the wisdom that you have in abundance.

Come and soak in the bathtub of your soul. Be still and know…

Have a beautiful day!

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: The serenity prayer.