All are welcome here, none will be left behind.

Our teacher this week is Jaiya John, and it always amazes me how I can fall deeply in love with his work again and again after I’ve been away from it for a while.

“Your life is three truths: How you treat others. How you treat yourself. And how you allow yourself to be treated.” – Jaiya John

I’ve seen the truth of these words, as I’m sure you have too. And I have learned from really listening to the humans I’ve worked with that all three of these truths might have their single origin in one thing: “The way you see yourself, or the view you have of your “self.”

How you treat others will be determined by how you see YOU.

How you treat yourself depends on the picture you have of YOU.

And how you allow yourself to be treated is entirely dependent on the view you have of your “SELF.”

How to begin changing this view of YOU is what today’s meditation journey is about, and the rest of Jaiya’s wisdom today speaks about that view that you have of YOU:

“You say you don’t know how to begin loving yourself. Make an agreement with your soul: No more beating myself up. No more putting myself down. Love talk only. Forever.” – Jaiya John

“Child asked Grandmother, What does it mean to reweave your life? Grandmother answered, Unlearn your old harmful ways. Learn your new healing ways. Garden the stories you tell yourself. Allow beauty to run like a river through your soul again. Permit peace to graze your heart. Drink the rain. Savour the sun. Love like Love loves.” – Jaiya John

“Reach deep inside and touch your feeling of unworthiness. Hold it until it cries. It has been waiting all your life to be held by you. Only you.” – Jaiya John

“If you should meet yourself in your lifetime, I pray that you recognize YOU, and that you stay with you forever.” – Jaiya John

What is the view that you have of YOU? When see your reflection, what does that make you think, what does it make you feel? When difficult old thoughts and emotions well up inside of you, how do you speak to yourself? What do your inner voices say that has been on repeat for such a long time?

It’s time to be brave and befriend ALL of you. To open your arms wide and welcome every part of you, to your heart. And as every one of these inner voices soften when their fear is healed by your acceptance, you will finally realize your true power. The creative force that you are when you are no longer fighting a war inside.

“All are welcome here, and none will be left behind.”

Guiding Mantras for your journey:

  • I accept and love all parts of myself.
  • I am worthy of love and happiness.
  • I cultivate inner peace and self-compassion.
  • I am a powerful creator of my own reality.

Remember, you are worthy of love and acceptance, just as you are. Embrace your full self, and discover the immense power that resides within. May this journey of self-discovery empower you to rewrite your story and embrace the incredible being you truly are.

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: A sense of self.

(image credit: Katie Berggren