You can choose between being trapped by the way your mind has become programmed, or transcending it.

You are beautifully designed in all perfection. Everything you think and feel is exactly as it should be for the life experiences you have had. Your body and mind is responding to your environment in the way it was designed to, by figuring out a way to cope, a way to survive. However, your past coping strategies do become programmes that are on repeat and they might not serve you well in your current circumstances. So now you have the choice of being either trapped by the way your mind has become programmed in the past, or transcending it.

Krishnamurti speaks about the role meditation can play in becoming free from the mind:

“Meditation is to be aware of every thought and of every feeling, never to say it is right or wrong but just to watch it and move with it.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

The awareness of what it is that you are thinking and feeling without judging yourself for having those thoughts and feelings, creates a freedom from them. Accepting their existence as normal is what helps them move through you faster.

“Meditation is freedom from thought and a movement in the ecstasy of truth. Meditation is an explosion of intelligence.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

I think it’s worth unpacking these ideas from Krishnamurti in a little more detail, what exactly does he mean?

“Freedom from thought” doesn’t mean having no thoughts. It means that you can have thoughts without being controlled by them – being free from them. It is by allowing the thoughts to easily come, that they also easily go.

“The ecstasy of truth” is such a beautiful description for the place we come to when we stop hiding, stop avoiding, stop numbing and become comfortable with observing (being with) the thoughts and emotions that rise within us, just the way that it presents itself. Truth becomes freedom!

“An explosion of intelligence” is the natural progression when we become this open. When we used to run and hide and numb and avoid we also robbed ourselves from really seeing and understanding but now, as we become better at observing every thought and every feeling with awareness, we start understanding the origins – the events and circumstances that gave birth to our old patterns. An explosion of understanding!

“Meditation is not a withdrawal from life. Meditation is a process of understanding oneself.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

Today’s meditation journey is probably the simplest one of them all – just paying attention to your physical senses and the experience that they are giving you. It’s a practice in being the witness of YOU and with practice you become more and more comfortable with being the witness of ALL of you.

Here are some guiding mantras to carry with you:

  • My mind works exactly the way it was designed to.
  • I am the observer, not the prisoner of my thoughts.
  • Thoughts and emotions come and go, I allow them to flow freely.
  • My breath is my anchor, my awareness my guide.
  • In understanding, I find freedom.

I hope you find the time to join us for today’s session.

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: Come to your senses.