Use whatever has come, to awaken.

A message from today’s meditation:

What is coming your way this week? 

It’s a question that invites reflection, curiosity, and courage. Life, as unpredictable as it is, continuously presents us with moments of joy, struggle, and everything in between. While it is empowering to have a clear intention for your day or week, it’s equally important to accept that some aspects of life lie beyond our control. In these moments, we are faced with a choice: Will we use these experiences to open up, grow, and evolve, or will we close off, shut down, and retreat?

“Whatever your difficulties – a devastated heart, financial loss, feeling assaulted by the conflicts around you, or a seemingly hopeless illness – you can always remember that you are free in every moment to set the compass of your heart to your highest intentions. In fact, the two things that you are always free to do – despite your circumstances – are to be present and to be willing to love.”  – Jack Kornfield

“Your life, all of your life, is your path to awakening. By resisting or not dealing with its challenges, you stay asleep to Reality. Pay attention to what life is trying to reveal to you. Say yes to its fierce, ruthless, and loving grace.” – Adyashanti

“Use whatever has come to awaken patience, understanding, and love.” – Jack Kornfield

These words from Jack Kornfield and Adyashanti invite us to embrace life’s uncertainties with grace and resilience. It’s a reminder that not just some unlucky humans will experience unforeseen situations and hardship, but that every one of us will have setbacks and stumbling blocks to deal with, and in those moments we are all offered the opportunity to set our heart’s compass to our highest intentions. 

No matter the nature of your current challenges, they hold the potential to awaken deeper qualities within you: patience, understanding, and love. The very fabric of our lives – woven with both ease and hardship – is an essential teacher. 

Being in resistance to life’s lessons only delays the growth that awaits us. So as we step into a new week with clear intent, can we also set the intention to receive life’s lessons with grace?

A few questions to reflect on growth:

  • “What is this challenge trying to teach me?”
  • “How do I expand while I respond to this situation?”
  • “What are the seeds of opportunity hidden within this obstacle?”
  • “How can I use this experience to cultivate greater self-awareness and inner peace?”

By cultivating a mindset of acceptance and embracing the unexpected as opportunities for growth, we can transform our relationship with life’s challenges. We can learn to navigate through the storms with grace and resilience, emerging stronger, wiser, and more deeply connected to ourselves and the world around us.

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: Jumpstart the week.