Select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day.

Your mind will forever produce a constant stream of thinking / feeling content like the feed on your Facebook account. Do you double click on everything in your feed? Or do you become better at knowing what serves you and what doesn’t?

“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.” –  Elizabeth Gilbert

A brain is such an interesting thing. No one really understands how or why it does exactly what it does but what is clear is that it doesn’t deal purely in what’s true, or reality. From weird dreams and abstract art to doing high level mathematics, the brain’s abilities are on a very wide spectrum and it will constantly throw all of this content at you.

This is just normal for any brain, but YOU get to decide how you feel about all of these ‘weird’ thoughts and emotions that are sometimes true, and sometimes plain false! Do you believe every thought? Do you believe you are broken? Or do you believe that all of this is just a normal human experience?

“When I tried this morning, after an hour or so of unhappy thinking, to dip back into my meditation, I took a new idea with me: compassion. I asked my heart if it could please infuse my soul with a more generous perspective on my mind’s workings. Instead of thinking that I was a failure, could I perhaps accept that I am only a human being – and a normal one, at that?” – Elizabeth Gilbert

“But if you can plant yourself in stillness long enough, you will, in time, experience the truth that everything (both uncomfortable and lovely) does eventually pass.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

Today’s meditation is, “Come to your senses.” It facilitates a process of no longer resisting any thoughts and emotions but learning how to take a step back and really see what is there. Understanding all thoughts and emotions. Understanding the origin of these thoughts and feelings and then creating a new response to the thoughts and emotions that we’ve always been experiencing. 

From this a new, supportive inner narrative emerges. And once you have created your own supportive inner narrative, you step into the limitless potential of the amazing being that you are! 

A few questions to spark some self-reflection:

  • What thoughts am I giving the most attention to today?
  • Are these thoughts serving me or hindering my growth?
  • How can I cultivate more compassion towards myself and my thoughts?
  • What new narrative can I create to empower myself?
  • Am I allowing myself to experience the full range of human emotions without judgment?

By selecting which thoughts we will engage with like we select our clothes, we cultivate a mindset of resilience, optimism, and inner peace. Remember, you are not your thoughts; you are the observer of your thoughts.

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: Come to your senses.