How will you live when your fears no longer have any power over you?

Have you ever stopped to admire a tree? Towering strong, branches reaching for the sun, leaves whispering secrets in the breeze. Imagine if you could ask that tree how it feels about its existence. Would it brag about its shade or boast about its fruit?

“If you ask a tree how he feels to know that he’s spreading his fragrance and making people happy, I don’t think a tree looks at it that way. I am just like that, and it is just my nature to be like this.” – Sadhguru

What if humans are all just like this tree? Our natural state is to grow to our full potential without the need for a slave master to motivate us. Bearing fruit and spreading our fragrance, being a support for those around us not because we’re trying to be, but because this is just the way we are.

If this is true for us, if growth is our natural state then what is it that gets in the way?  What prevents us from living our full potential?

It’s only our fears… consider it for a moment… if the tree had fear of failure, if the tree was intimidated by bigger taller more beautiful trees, if the tree couldn’t bear to look at itself in the mirror – would it continue to grow, or would it shrink…?

“Fears and insecurities are unconsciously created by you. If you do not create them, they do not exist.” – Sadhguru

“The fear is simply because you are not living with life. You are living in your mind.” – Sadhguru

“The fear of suffering makes your life a half step. Freedom from the fear of suffering is needed for a full-stride life.” – Sadhguru

“When a human is in competition, when he’s in fear of failure, he will only do little better than somebody else. So, the human genius is completely missing today. You’re destroying the human genius” – Sadhguru

It may be that the only thing you need to do is to deliberately work your way through your fears. Coming face to face with each one until it’s not so scary to look into its eyes any more. 

What will you be, how will you live when your fears of who you are and who you are not – don’t have any more power over you? Won’t you naturally live your full potential, spreading your fragrance and making people happy?

Mantras for Unlocking Your Potential:

  • I release the fear of failure and embrace the joy of growth.
  • My true nature is vibrant and strong. I choose to live from this place.
  • My purpose unfolds naturally as I shed fear and step into the present moment.
  • Today, I choose to bloom and share my unique fragrance with the world.

Join today’s meditation and begin your journey to a more fearless, fulfilling life. Remember, the only thing stopping you from blooming is the fear you choose to hold onto. Let it go, and watch yourself blossom.

– pierre –

Today’s meditation: Fear.