Do your best! But stop trying so damn hard…

It is at the bottom of your softness that you will discover your deepest strength. Before you start reading, maybe take a few breaths first. Make it real slow, slowly in, and slowly out.

With every exhale think, “softness…” as you breathe out, soften your body, feel yourself melt, surrender…

“Fear and pain may not feel good, but they are not inherently negative. They are fuel – fuel that you can use. You can learn to transform, like an alchemist, pain into power and fear into force.” – Jaiya John

“The great project of your life is to become a safe space for yourself and all living things. To be imperfect and flawed, to regress and forget, to wander and be lost, to grow weary or unwell, to be abandoned and betrayed, to flush with despair or be paralyzed with terror, and yet wake again each day and resume this project. For each day you are given is a newborn miracle that sings: You still have time to become a living sanctuary. And wouldn’t that be your greatest creation of all.” – Jaiya John

I just love his description of “the great project of your life is to become a safe space”, for yourself firstly of course, but then also for those around you. And of course you will encounter all of the human follies along the way but to remember: “You still have time to become a human sanctuary.” 

I really do believe that becoming your own place of safety where you are safe even with your own thoughts, is the fundamental project of your life.

“If trying harder is hurting and not helping, do not be afraid to try a new way of being. Notice how life softens and dilates for new life to come through. This is also true for you. Try the sacred way of your tears. Try softer.” – Jaiya John

If you’re trying really hard and it feels like it’s not working, then try a little softer. What creates your safe space, is your own acceptance of the scared human who really has been trying so hard to survive. Your own ability to look at yourself with understanding instead of judgement is what turns your life into a living sanctuary. Every morning when you rise, resume this project again, set a clear intention and do your best! But stop trying so damn hard…

Here are some mantras to help you build your sanctuary:

  • I am a safe space. Perfect in my imperfections.
  • My tears are sacred. They pave the way for softness.
  • My softness is my strength. Allow yourself to be open and receptive.
  • I can transform pain and fear. These emotions can fuel positive change.
  • I will not give up on becoming my own sanctuary. This is a lifelong project, so be patient.
  • Every day is a new beginning. Start fresh each morning with an open heart.

Of course, continue to do your best! But release the frantic effort. Let gentleness be your guide. Your sanctuary is built by your ability to soften and find yourself being safe in whatever experience you’re having. 

Wishing you a beautiful journey within!

– pierre –

Today’s LIVE meditation is: Come to your senses.

(image credit: Madi Yonash power lifter FL, USA)