What does your future FEEL like?

What does your future “feel” like? Or more specifically, what do the emotions of your future feel like?

The future is always unknown, uncertain even. And when we are not deliberate about this, then the emotions of our future often feel like anxiety.

Our bodies don’t know the difference between an actual experience or an imagined experience. The future is always an imagined experience, but our bodies don’t know that, and every cell will react to our thoughts about the future as if it is happening in reality right now.So how about not leaving it up to chance, and becoming really conscious about creating the emotions of your future.

You can teach your body to live in the emotions of the VISION for your future. Today’s meditation helps you to construct the emotions of how you want to create this week, but you can also apply it to being deliberate about the emotions of your future in a broader sense.

Teach your body to live in the emotions of your VISION for the future. And have an awesome week!


(you are invited to join us for a free guided meditation every day. here’s the link, check it out – https://wp.me/P8Nxbl-nX)