I’m sharing with you a beautiful piece of writing by Sonett about her meditation experience. And really… you should join us
“As a young woman, my world was always in turmoil, though at the time I did not realise it, to me, I was happy when others were happy. Through the years I blamed myself for everyone else’s issues and never felt worthy. It’s a road that most of us have to travel in this life. And you know, it’s okay, it’s our lessons! And what beautiful, hurtful lessons they were! I often questioned myself, am I living my life, or am I merely existing in this world in order for others to learn from. I suppose that question is yet to be answered in full, though I might have a feeling I know it already.
We all say “Yes our past defines who we are today, but really, thanks for the lessons, I let them go!” BUT you can never forget them. Yes, deal with them, let them go and say, you no longer serve me! The freedom is exhilarating.
So, earlier this year, on the 26th of March to be exact (133 days ago, yes I’ve been keeping track and journaling since day 1), we were all sent to our rooms like naughty children and were told not to leave our rooms until uncle Cyril said so!
So what do you do when you are sent to your room? You make the most of it! That’s what you do. So I decided to work on my inner self. Discover what this “spiritual world” is all about. Well to my amazement, I discovered more than this “spiritual world”, I discovered ME! Yes ME, Sonett, this beautiful being who has been hiding inside of ME all these years.
I now understand that through all these years, I have not really lived. I have existed. Yes doing things in the outside world can be done by anyone, but to find true LIFE, you have to go within.
I am so blessed and fortunate to have the most awesome soul family in my life. People who GET THIS! And really, anyone can GET THIS if they only took the time to DO THIS!
Every morning at 7am, this soul family mediates together with the guidance of Pierre Aucamp. Every meditation is unique, and you get to discover so much within, but today’s meditation was the most profound meditation EVER!
“Picture yourself as a tree”, I was told. *giggles* … really! a Tree? …. YES SONETT!! … a beautiful, big, ginormous, larger than life tree … Just do it! *laughs* …(I tend to be able to really entertain myself these days!)
So as the mediation started, I put down all my past issues at the door before I entered the deep dives. I was free of any baggage or issues. I walked into the deep part of me with freedom. As we started the visualisation I saw myself as a little seed dropped on the ground by a beautiful eagle.
Within, I could feel and see as my roots started to take hold into the ground to firmly hold me. I started to sprout and grow. And as I visualised my growth, my inner took me on a road through memory lane. I saw all my life in the most beautiful positive way. I connected with people that had come and gone in my life, but only in love. I grew and grew and my branches just spread out wards and my roots just went deeper into the ground. The more I grew, the more memories came flooding through. I was engulfed in love, a smile on my face and a total sense of enlightenment.
I knew, THIS, right here, where I am sitting and meditating in this present moment, THIS is living. I am filled with so much love and life. My inner self is in a state of total bliss. I am a tree, a tree is life, a tree is a peaceful life, just blowing in the wind, and no matter how hard that wind blows, because this beautiful peaceful tree is so firmly rooted, the wind just can’t blow me over.
Be the tree. Feel the tree. Live like that tree! My branches were touching the branches of other trees, my soul family, the people that are here, with me! Wow! How do you actually explain how beautiful you really feel inside?
And then, those dreaded words, “let’s take our last breaths of gratitude together”, I screamed inside, “Noooo!!!!!”. this can’t be over! There is no way 40 minutes have passed! It can’t be!
Time does not exist when you go inside. It’s all purely, THE NOW, the PRESENT moment. Our Gift of being in this life!
I am so blessed with all that I have in my life. To know this peace, this love and to live. For the memories of a journey well traveled, for the people who have been a part of that journey, and for the wonderful discovery of ME, I give gratitude!
I would encourage everyone to look deep inside themselves, to find this place of eternal happiness and bliss. We could all just live such happy beautiful lives if we allowed ourselves. Remember, only YOU can make YOU happy. I choose to be happy and at peace and therefore, I am happy and at peace.
Come join us in meditation, come on, I know you want to!
My name is Sonett
I am a fearless creator
I am doing the best I can
AND I trust that I am guided
I’m in love with being ALIVE!
Namaste 🙏💚💜
(picture credit: http://www.jorgejacinto.com/)