I work in a demanding, volatile industry with long hours. As a result my
nervous system suffered from burnout and I developed severe anxiety. I had never experienced mental issues before. I did not understand the symptoms until it happened to me and I needed psychiatric care. As part of my ongoing recovery I have turned to meditation as one of the methods to try help ease my anxiety. And rewire my subconscious, primitive brain that we have limited control over. I have attended a beginner’s retreat with monastics on the basics of meditation, but found it difficult to practice at home without guidance. Thankfully my best friend, who also previously suffered from anxiety, introduced me to Pierre Aucamp. Pierre’s livestream, guided sessions are engaging and a great way to practice controlled breathing. With consistent practice you’ll begin to realise that motion drives emotion and you can use breathing techniques to train your subconscious into not triggering the fight or flight response unnecessarily. By increasing GABA levels, meditation may help to decrease anxiety levels blocking impulses between nerve cells in the brain such as Serotonin, a powerful neurotransmitter. These play a major role in mood regulation stopping the mind from flooding your body with adrenaline.

(you can read more testimonials by clicking on the names in blue at the bottom of the page)