Every step I’ve taken with Pierre has been towards a profound restoration of my being, towards a deep cellular healing.
I was severely depressed, agoraphobic, in mental agony, feeling tremendous shame – imprisoned within the confines of childhood conditioning of which the the depth was revealed with 2 recent traumatic experiences.
With regular one-on-one coaching, his group sessions and his meditation practices, and continuing to practice all the things I’ve learnt, I have started to embody inner peace, self love – acceptance & a tremendous healing of my severely impacted nervous system. I experience more balance within my inner life, and I am back to finding the absolute joys in my life again. It’s not that my inner and outer worlds are one big bliss now – when the heavier times hit, I know how to keep my balance & self-compassion. This is realistic, compassionate and one of the best life investments I’ve made! So much awesomeness!
(you can read more testimonials by clicking on the names in blue at the bottom of the page)