Meditating daily is the most practical thing you can ever choose to do, because it makes you see better. The world around us generates SO much noise that it becomes impossible to try and find direction. How do we find what our next step should be through all this outside clutter?
Placing our attention on the noise – even with the intention to earnestly sift through the clutter and make some sense of it all – causes our inner world and mind to feel as noisy and cluttered. To the point that all sense making breaks down.
So first reach inside, reach for silence as often as you can and melt away into yourself. It is only when you have repeatedly peeled back the layers that you have built around your heart, again and again and again, that you come upon a clarity through which you see yourself. And for the first time you can look at all of your pretty and your ugly, and feel only love. For the first time you can look at your “darkness” and not be scared.
Now… when you turn that lens of clarity toward the world outside, it becomes easier to see through the clutter. Because coming from a place of knowing exactly who you are, “seeing” what is for you and what is not, becomes increasingly obvious.
I wish I could “make” you see how amazing you are (yes, the pretty and the ugly), but you’ll have to find it for yourself.
Keep seeking out silence. Keep peeling back the layers. Clarity follows.
You are invited to join us for a guided meditation online every day. Here’s the the link, it’s free: