Contract or expand?

Conventional wisdom tells us that, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” as a means to illustrate that we need adversity in order to grow.

Self help media is full of content that echo’s this age-old truth like:

“As with the butterfly, adversity is necessary to build character in people.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin

But what is not talked about often enough are the uncounted number of people who were broken and never recovered after serious adversity.

What makes the difference? Why do some people expand and grow through adversity, while others shrink and get stuck?

It must be something that happens inside of us right? Some kind of inner process unseen by the world around us.

I believe that what it comes down to is the way in which we speak to ourselves. Do you have an inner narrative that is supportive, always encouraging you to try again? Or do you have a harsh inner critic always ready to attack you and point out how you’ll never be successful?

And more importantly… do you believe that you are stuck with this inner narrative? Or do you believe that your subconscious is programmable and that it is in YOUR power to make changes?

“Narrative Design” was created to work directly with your subconscious narratives, softening old patterns and creating a new, empowering inner voice.

If you are ready for expansion, please reach out to me, and let’s create together.

– pierre –

Everything we experience offers us one of two paths: “Will I shut-down and shrink from this experience?” … OR… “Will I open-up and expand through this experience?” – pierre –