a DAO a DAY #00

Have you heard of the Dao? Or the Tao? Or maybe you’ve read quotes attributed to the Tao Te Ching or its author Lao Tzu?

Welcome to “a DAO a DAY”! This is a series of videos that seek to explore and understand the wisdom that Lao Tzu wrote in the Tao Te Ching about 2,500 years ago.

Personally I am on a journey of delving into this ancient book of wisdom, and I thought that what would make it even more interesting is if I took a few friends along on the journey with me. If you would like to be included in some of the videos with me, go to my website www.onemindonline.com and in the menu find “a DAO a DAY”. If it is no longer there, then admissions to be included in this video project has closed.

I hope that you enjoy this adventure into the wisdom of Lau Tzu as much as I do!
