I believe that wisdom is to be found in our ability to balance the paradoxes of life.
The truth is that paradoxes are everywhere, and we tend to be ill equipped to deal with this complexity of life, when we’ve been brought up with the kind of black and white thinking that wants to place everything into a box that is either “this” or “that”, “good” or “bad”, “right” or “wrong”.
Let’s consider the theme of courage as an example. When you hear the word courage, what image does it immediately conjure up for you? Do you instantly see a brave man running into a burning house to save a puppy? Or is your mind ready to show you the whole spectrum of what courage could look like?
The first thought from Jeff Brown today is such a beautiful depiction of the paradox of courage, and we can only hope to navigate this in the presence of wisdom.
“There are two forms of courage in this world. One demands that we jump into action with our armour on. The other demands that we strip ourselves bare-naked and surrender. Bravery is a curious thing.” – Jeff Brown
They are clearly both courageous acts, but how do we know which one is called for? When to armour up and run into battle and when to strip the armour off and be authentic and vulnerable?
This of course reminds me of the serenity prayer: “accept the things we cannot change (surrender), and change the things that we CAN change (action).”
The concept is not too difficult to understand, but the last part of the serenity prayer is where the gem always is, “the wisdom to know the difference.” This is the hard part – seeing with any kind of clarity what to let go of and what to take action on. When to do battle, and when to make peace?
Jeff Brown reminds us that divine wisdom flows through each of us and we really only have to stop and ask:
“Stop looking for answers outside yourself. YOU are the sculptor of your own reality – don’t hand your tools to anyone else.” – Jeff Brown
“The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten that you are divine.” – Jeff Brown
Today’s practice is an invitation to embrace this inner wisdom. With open hearts and a willingness to listen, we can become attuned to the guidance of our soul.
Here are a few thoughts to spark your self-reflection:
- Where am I resisting surrender? What situations or emotions am I clinging to that are beyond my control?
- What needs courageous action? Is there a dream waiting to be pursued? A relationship needing repair?
- What is my soul whispering? In the quiet moments of meditation, what guidance arises from within?
By cultivating this awareness, we unlock the power to navigate life’s intricate dance of action and surrender. Life is a beautiful tapestry, woven with threads of strength and also vulnerability, taking action and also letting go. Embrace these paradoxes, for within them lies the key to unlocking your own divine potential.
Have a beautiful day peeps!
– pierre –
Today’s LIVE meditation is: The Serenity Prayer.